Monday, November 8, 2021

Autumn At The Creek And Caramel Apples

Autumn is still lingering, and I wanted to take a drive to the creek, cause this is my first Fall here and wanted to see what it looks like.  We'll start from my house.

This is the road that takes you to the stores and everything you need downtown.  It only takes about 3 minutes to get to the store, but it can be tricky when it's raining heavy or snowing.  People sometimes drive too fast on this road, and I've seen a couple deer since I moved here lying on the side of the road while trying to cross from one side of the street to the other and into the woods.  It made me sad, and wanted to shout out my window, "slow down people!"

Almost to the creek, and I can see fog on the hills, which look so pretty.

At the creek now, and there is an abundance of water from the rain.  The colors are beautiful.

There is always a surprise that awaits me at the creek, but I didn't expect to see her.....

or her.

A couple more pictures at the creek.

Driving home I see that our mountain rests with a halo of fog, and there's already snow on the peak of the mountain.  It's getting colder, and yesterday when I got in my car it was 29 degrees, and there was already frost on the windows.  

As I pass the cow farm, I see that all the cows' faces are black, but this one is uniquely white.

We had some more rain Thursday and the wind blew fiercely, causing many of the leaves to swiftly dance and fall.

I start to laugh every time I see these pictures of Mia making caramel apples.  She loves food, and she is a girl after my own heart because I love food too.  When Nel sent me these pictures, she said that making caramel apples totally takes her back to her childhood, and she hopes Mia will love making them as much as she does.

I know that the Christmas season has started when I see my favorite Holiday cookies on the shelf at the store, and also my favorite Fruitcake.  Do you like Fruitcake? 

Nel mentioned one day that since we are in such difficult times, that it would be nice to decorate for each season a couple months before, so we can enjoy the holiday more.  I thought that was a great idea, and have already decorated for Christmas.  I'll show you soon, but here is a peek at what I've done so far.  I loved this mitten ornament, and had to bring it home with me.



Chatty Crone said...

I want one of Mia's apples - Yummy!
You do live in a gorgeous place - the road less traveled - I don't think I will ever get to experience that.
29 degrees is cold!
I love Christmas and I think that is great your are celebrating it early.
The fog there is amazing and so were those beautiful deer.
What was that orange paint on that tree - I hope they are not marking it to take it down.
The one cow looked like he was missing an eye.
And man you have beautiful colored leaves there.
You are a lucky gal!

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful pictures of Fall! Mia is so cute and those apples look delicious. I love Christmas too...Beautiful ornament. Hugs and blessings.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Mia is gorgeous, and OH those eyelashes! you live in a place a bit like we do. This drive is GORGEOUS!! Who would ever guess you are just three minutes from town! It looks like you are way back in the country. Does Mia ever go to the creek with you? I have many happy childhood memories of playing near our creek, though my mother forbid me! I especially love your shot of all the bare branches hanging down. What is the orange mark on the tree for? Wonderful deer shots, they seem to be tame, but you likely snapped them with a zoom.

Carla from The River said...

Your photos are amazing! I want to come visit.
I just love your idea about enjoying the seasons just a wee longer.
I plan to do just that.
Love, Carla

P.S. I do like Fruit Cake.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love Princess Sassy pants...always so cute! And the fog pics and then the clouds down on the mountains are just beautiful. You really had a beautiful Fall, lots of color! Love the little one enjoying her apple too. Have a good week! Oh...I don't eat sugar any more but I always loved a good fruit cake. One year we stopped in the town of Claxton, famous for fruitcakes and bought some fresh! Oh they were good!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri such gorgeous photos. I especially love your deer pics. Wonderful closeups! Mia's caramel apples look delicious. Looks like you are beginning to get ready for Christmas. Have a happy day. Hugs!

Hena Tayeb said...

That fog is gorgeous. We have plenty of deer in our neck of the woods and we have to be extra vigilant driving at night.. especially in our suburban roads where lighting is limited.

Pilar said...

Mia is such a cutie! I've never made caramel apples, but I want to! Your nature pictures are beautiful as always Sheri. You captured such lovely Fall moments!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your mountains are gorgeous all shrouded in fog! The trees are so lovely with their golden leaves. What a treat to see the deer when you were out by the creek! They are so beautiful. It's so sad when someone hits one. It's quite dangerous. We have an overly population of deer here, so unfortunately the poor things run onto the roads. Mia's apples look so good! I'm with you and her--I love food too! Happy November, dear Sheri!

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my friend! Oh, that precious little one making her apples! What joy! And yay for you for decorating. I will start this weekend! The cookies look perfect, and I know exactly how they taste! Have a cozy evening in your lovely part of the world!

Jeanie said...

You live in such beautiful terrirory and your photos are fantastic. That fog is as dazzling as the color and seeing those deer is such a gift. I adore this post, Sheri. Every photo and word. And dear Mia -- what a cutie. I haven't made or had a caramel apple in eons. They look mighty tasty!

Rose said...

My hubby would want one of those apples! The fog on the hills reminds of the fog in Tennessee. I really miss that. And hearing the rain coming from a long way off...the mountains sort of amplified the sound. I cannot believe Mia is as big as she is...she is such a pretty little girl.

Marilyn Miller said...

I love fruitcake and caramel apples too.
What a beautiful drive in your part of the world.

My Shasta Home said...

Oh, I love your beautiful fall photos. Mia is adorable and yes, she does look like she is enjoying those caramel apples.

It is such a beautiful time of year, especially after such a long hot smoky summer.

I won't be doing Christmas decorating this year. The husband will - I'll be one-armed. But first, we do Hannukka which the first night is Sunday the 28th. (surgery on the 29th)

Even while the husband will decorate, I'll no doubt be sitting on the sidelines, telling him what goes where.

God bless. You have a lovely family.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

The fall colors are so pretty in the mountains. I love seeing them. I always feel sad when I see the dead deer too. I love the pictures of making the carmel apples. I am still on fall here. I won't do Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving. I am not a fan of fruitcake, but my Mom loved it!

Patricia said...

I loved this post! Thank you for showing us the roads in your area, and it sure is beautiful. Those Autumn colours are gorgeous, and the deer so sweet. Yes, it looks a lot like Christmas is coming, and soon you will have snow. I have never had a caramel apple - I think I should look for a recipe! I have put up my Christmas tree, and started planning for the rest of the house. I love the mitten ornament, and would have bought that one too if I saw it. I do have a red felt ornament a friend made for me years ago, and it always goes on the tree. Here's to a lovely Christmas to us all.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOod morning dear Sheri!

This has been an outstanding autumn, hasn't it! Unfortunately, all the beauty before my eyes has not been recorded on my camera; it's been a busy few weeks and I haven't had a chance to get outside to explore. Your area is just beautiful. Enjoy your celebrations dear friend!

Linda O'Connell said...

Nice little jaunt you took us on. I love to be surprised by nature's beauty: fog, a fawn, a fall tree in all its magesty. Oh thiose caramel apples look delicious and take me back to younger days. Fall is in the air here, too. St. Louis is transitioning from a spat of warmer weather and going into colder days and sweater weather.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

There is so beautiful view.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful landscapes. Your photograph of the hanging branches has a lot of mysterious drama. Caramel Apples!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hello Sheri, oh, you do live in a beautiful place! The fall colors are gorgeous and the surrounding mountains are like protective walls around your little valley. You know I love the mountains :) So nice to have the creek nearby to visit the wild things. Deer are such delicate and amazing creatures with their big eyes and long legs. We have a major route to Mt. Rainier running through like you do, and we see deer and elk trying to cross and sometimes don't make it. They have put in some traffic lights over the years and that has helped. Your little Mia is such a doll with her beautiful ringlets. Candy apples are something I haven't had since I was young and they sold them at the high-school football games. Love Christmas cookies, but not too fond of fruitcake, although yours looks a little different from the dense, rum flavored kind I never liked. My grandmother used to make it and it was an acquired taste! I am so excited about Christmas this year. Maybe because we have all been so starving for some happy times! Have fun decorating! Sending hugs xo K

Nellie said...

How lovely of you to take us along on such a beautiful drive! It has been an especially lovely fall for us here, too. Great memories with those caramel apples! Mia is precious! Celebrate everything! Decorate whenever you wish! Fruitcake! Cookies! Eggnog! Everyday is special!

Veronica Lee said...

Love your photos, Sheri.

The close-ups are incredible!

And Mia is super CUTE!

Olde Dame Holly said...

I loved going along on your ride to see the beautiful nature vistas. What gorgeous photos. I can't believe how well you were able to capture the deer! Your mountain area is just breathtaking. And what cold temps already! Well, it's the mountains, I guess! I don't blame you one little bit for "decorating early." Yes, it's a season, not a day! I love that shiny mitten ornament, too, and I love fruitcake!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Amazing how our climates are quite similar! Some towns closeby received snow yesterday. Tis the season! And such a beautiful drive you get to enjoy.. I do as well. As I drive down the mountain, it is always a delight to look around and see the wildlife! You just never know. We have a lot of elk here, and I often see them. Always a treat! Those caramel apples look so good... wonderful memories being made! That's the best part :)

R's Rue said...

This is making me so happy.

Blondie's Journal said...

You live in a paradise, Sheri! I loved every single picture. So sad about the deer. We see them at the lake and there are such an abundance of them right now and I'm grateful we are on the lookout for them. Sadly, we see entire families of raccoons that have tried to cross the highway as well as opossum. Life in the country, I guess.

Mia is a doll. Is she your granddaughter? Fun times all around!

Thank you so much for your visit. So good to catch up!❤️


ashok said...

Delightful post

a spirit of simplicity said...

Oh what a beautiful ride!! I think I would always be thinking of someplace to go just so I could drive down that beautiful road! My little granddaughter loves food as well. I am having a hard time this year because my mum died in June and it will be our first Christmas season without her. I think decorating a little early might help.

Sandi said...

Wonderful sights!

Mellie said...

Look at those pretty fall leaves!! We do not see that here. They just turn brown and fall to the ground. No pretty fall colors like there in the mountains. I usually buy those same cookies. I love good fruitcake and there are some bad ones out there. I make fruitcake cookies every Christmas and they are so good.