Monday, September 14, 2020

A Sprinkle Of September

Most of you know that I'm Catholic, and I have been missing attending Mass and especially receiving Communion.  Ever since the churches closed months ago, I have been watching Mass on tv, which has also been nice.  Some of the churches have re-opened and are having the Masses outside.  The other day I realized I was out of coffee, so I drove through Starbucks to get some, and on the way there, I stopped at a lovely Catholic church just to see the grounds and spend time there for awhile.  It brought much peace, and there was a sign in front of the church that would comfort many people who visit.
Since we all have to stay home during this time,
here's a few pics of home.
Pork chops covered with a glaze.
They were really good.

Sometimes I put jam on my oatmeal for a sweet taste.
 Today, it was apricot.
My Fall cups are all clean and ready to go.
Don't ya love it when your
chocolate chip cookies turn out just right?
I feel a nip in the air in the mornings now.
My favorite season is about to begin.

"The foliage has been losing its freshness, and here and there a yellow leaf shows itself like the first grey hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many."

~Oliver Wendell Holmes

How are you doing friends,
during this strange time that we are in?
I'm sure you have many different
emotions going on like I do.
Please do share.



Chatty Crone said...

Your posts are always so sweet and gentle. I love the church you found - it looked peaceful. So you change cups for seasons - cute idea. I love the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes - how true it is. Our church functions are starting to open up - I am going with a mask on today to my women's group. It is going to be good to see some people at a safe distance of course. Stay well.

Hena Tayeb said...

We too have been attending religious sermons at home.. it is such an odd experience.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri,
I like the photo of the snail.

Sheri, I know that you read my posts about my dear friend Marv. I wanted to share with you he had a stroke. I will share more once I know more. I am waiting to hear from his niece what the next steps are.
Love and prayers, Carla

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely photos.

NanaDiana said...

I love catching up with you, Sheri! It looks like you are on your way to Fall if your cups are ready.
I know what you mean about the peaceful feeling that church brings you. That is a wonderful sigh, too.
Hoping you have a wonderful week- xo Diana

Louca por porcelana said...

I agree that your posts are always sweet and gentle,exactly the way I imagine you are!Here we find joy,peace love,fun and beauty!Love those pictures of church...they are adorable. Last saturday,we celebrated my son's birthday with a little gathering at my home: my parents,my hubbie,my sons,my sister,my niece and two brothers in law. It was very especial because ,for me, Family is all...My parents are in their eighties,they need to be with their loved ones...God bless you and yours!

lian said...

gosto muito de suas postagens.
as fotos são sempre lindas.
a imagem da igreja é maravilhosa!
sou católica também e sinto falta das missas.

Sandi said...

I loved sitting outside the church "with you." So beautiful. The sign is truly comforting.

Have you ever watched Bishop Fulton Sheen? I just discovered him on You Tube. He had several TV shows years before either of our times. He was a Catholic priest, but was very popular with both Catholics and Protestants.

My Shasta Home said...

That was so nice. A church courtyard is very peaceful. I can't get out and do that - too much smoke. My eyes water and burn and I sneeze. I am looking forward to some beautiful rain and clean air so I can get out and enjoy nature once again.

Rose said...

I don't know where to begin. I LOVE that is just so beautiful. I think the church looks beautiful, too, and I do love that sign. All the food looks just simply delicious. What all do you do to the pork chops? I can almost smell the onions, and onions always make me hungry. I wish I had a warm chocolate chip cookie. They looks tasty, too.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so glad you were able to find peace at the church, Sheri. These are hard times not being able to carry on our lives like we used to. I don't think any of us thought this would last as long as it has.
Your cookies sure do look good. I'm happy that Autumn is approaching. The change of the seasons is comforting to me. Take care and stay safe.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing pretty colored leaves...and little critters that like to hide there! I love oatmeal and this is a good idea. Sometimes I dice part of an apple up into my oats before I cook them. That is one of my favorite things to do and it really sweetens the oats...add cinnamon after it's cooked. YUMO! Hugs!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

It looks peaceful at the church. I am glad you were able to go there. I am looking forward to fall. I wish it would hurry up! We need rain! I would love to have a chocolate chip cookie! They look tasty!

Thankful for Grace said...

I miss going to church too, and, in fact, I don't think churches should be closed. A blog I follow, written by a gal who writes for the Atlanta Constitution Journal, wrote a great article about that very thing. I love chocolate chip cookies, and yours look totally delish!! I'll take 2, please, with a cold glass of milk.

baili said...

dear Sheri i loved the images you share absolutely

heart who desire for his closeness find peace within his lap indeed
i am glad you found serenity in that elegant church ,the sign you shared seems answer to calling souls :)

i am big fan of your cups ,such a pretty and amazing collection you have

wishing you all the joy and peace in the world my friend!

Ann said...

Love your pics Sheri.
Time flies fast
We are already
in the half part
of September. I hope everything
will soon be okay. Enjoy your time
at your new home with loving family
and friends.
The snail and mug looks so cute.


Patricia said...

A beautiful post Sheri. Like you, I have missed Mass for many months and was so pleased when our churches re-opened about 8 weeks ago under very different circumstances. I was so happy to be back and go to Communion. We must make a reservation, which costs nothing, and the seating is arranged at a distance. Only 70 people can come at one time in a church which seats about 200. Like you I watched Mass on TV for a long time, but it is not quite the same, is it. We cannot have choirs (too dangerous) but hymns are played and we sing quietly. Sometimes I get tearful when I sing, and remember the old times. Never in my life could I have imagined the far-reaching impact of the pandemic. What a beautiful photo of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Bernadette, who was my Confirmation saint. Love the yellow leaf and the snail too. Be safe dear Sheri.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Sheri!

I've had my ups and downs. I have found great comfort and release through my faith but even more empowerment through the acting out on that faith. Now that I'm retired, the freedom I dreamed of while I worked is now at a standstill due to the virus, but there are so many other things to be thankful for during this waiting period. I have a home. I have a companion who keeps me company, I have goals. Gratitude is that gift that keeps on giving when we open it daily, isn't it!

Thank goodness for the technology that is available to us to reach out to family far away and friends who are just in the next city. Through Google Meet and Zoom, I've been able to make the important connections that are keeping my mind on the right track. Through these connections and the Word of God, I am reminded of the reality that lives the strongest in the unknown chambers of our faith: the companionship of the Holy Spirit. It is such a revelation to know that we need not fear because Jesus said, "I will send you a comforter."

Be well. Be joyous.

Pilar said...

It looks like you've been keeping yourself busy during quarantine Sheri. You're pictures are always so beautiful. You remind us to enjoy nature and the simple joys in life. Thank you my friend ❤

Billie Jo said...

Hello, My friend.
I was just telling the kids how very much I miss BEING at mass. How much I miss Holy Communion. Thank you for sharing the very beautiful thoughts and photos today. Just what my heart...and soul...needed. : )

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri I so understand the longing to be at church. We at first were locked down but we have been able to worship together since May. I know our first service took place in the parking lot. I cried happy tears that Sunday. Hope dear one you will be able to be back taking communion soon. Through it all I have known God is loving and there is a purpose to this time and place. We may not know on this side of heaven but I am certain the other side holds all the answers. Hugs

Martha said...

The sign is definitely very comforting. I hope you will be able to attend again soon. All of your food looks delicious, especially those yummy chocolate chip cookies! Love the fall leaf and the little snail too! Have a blessed week.

Linda O'Connell said...

It is definitley the small and ordinary things that bring us comfort. I enjoy fall... the sights, the smells, the cooler temperature.

Marilyn Miller said...

For the most part I am doing OK, but I miss my daily walks right now. I can't walk because of the smoke in the air. Wondering if your church does anything online. My church has Sunday service on zoom and it is good to see people. My tea group is also meeting on zoom. Those gathering definitely help, but not perfect. Jam in oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies all sounds delicious.

handmade by amalia said...

Our mornings are nippy as well, you can feel autumn coming, even when it is still very hot and humid during the day. I woke up very early this morning and have a little time, so poured myself a cup of coffee and have just sat down to catch up on my blog reading. One of your chocolate chip cookies would be perfect, dear Sheri, they do look 'just right'. A hug.

It's me said...

Yes it is a difficult time....but we must through this ...we have no choice...stay strong stay from me Ria 🍀💕🙏🍀

Jeanie said...

What a lovely church. How beautiful it is.

I'm edgy lately. Oddly emotional. I miss my friends. I love seeing your beautiful baking -- I want a cookie now! Or a pork chop. It will be a long, long haul.

Susan said...

Such a lovely post, Sheri. And your photos are wonderful. Thank you so much for visiting Writing Straight from the Heart. Every time I see you have visited and commented, it cheers my heart. These days, my heart definitely needs cheering. You can imagine how lost I feel-----how terribly sad, but still glad to be alive. Hope you have a sweet rest of the week. Hugs from me to you, Susan

Christine said...

I haven't blogged for some time but your post here just made me miss that much more. A lot has happened and yes, we sure are in some tough times. I am gald you were able to find some comfort visiting your church. We too have been watching some good sermons on line and I have even found some good communion recipies. Blessings

ellie said...

So many beautiful things! Love the beginning of your post as well as those cookies and the wonderful plaid coffee cup.

A very inspiring post indeed!

Stay well and have a beautiful Autumn!

Pam said...

I am loving the nip in the air here in Nashville. The last two mornings have been amazing on the deck. Even yesterday evening when I went to cut some on the yard. Our world is still so up in the air and so strange. Just stay safe out there.

Ann said...

Forgot to say on my first comment,
I'd love to have a taste of those
chocolate chip cookies,
looks really yummy ♥

Stay safe♥


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Sheri, love that you have found comfort in walking the grounds of the church. We have to find our comfort where we can these days. Our faith has to be held in our hearts in these trying times. I love your sweet mugs and the pork chops look so good! There is definitely a noticeable change in the seasons now and it always seems to happen so suddenly. I love fall - my favorite season. I think it has been hard to come to terms with our reality right now, especially all the negativity and entitlement attitudes. I have been trying hard to focus on simple pleasures and thinking of better days that I hope will come soon. I wish everyone could be more compassionate and understanding and look out for each other instead of being stubborn and entitled and mean. We could all work together to solve so many problems.....Sending you hugs and blessings, my dear. x Karen