Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I'm Tired

It's a crazy time to move right now, but that's just what I did.  I found a place in So. Calif., and this last weekend, the kids moved me down there.  I have to start by saying that this post is dedicated to Nel, and as you read along, you'll see why.  She did so many things to make the move more comfortable, and for that, I'm grateful.
I was so relieved that I didn't have to be around any people during this move.  I was worried about that.  Nel had boxes delivered to my house, I packed everything up, and when the movers came, I found this shady tree down the street and sat while taking pictures until they were done.
You know how frustrating it is to get all the internet, tv, and phone set up after moving in - well, Nel was at the new place a week before and had it taken care of.  She ordered me a new tv cause mine was acting up, and had it set up before I got there.
She replaced all the kitchen cupboards with white liner paper, and that was a chore, to say the least.  There is a brick area on the patio, and she pulled all the weeds by hand between each brick to make it look nicer.   Renecke filled my cupboards with a few groceries, and helped set up the tv and so much more.  Jess drove the long way there, and Brian drove the UHaul.  Traveling over the grapevine, which is called the gateway to northern and southern California, we saw the most beautiful poppies growing wild on the mountains.  Jess described them as God's brush painting the mountains. 
We finally got to my place, and while observing the area, I noticed these trees with purple flowers.  Not sure what their name is, but they were so pretty.  Maybe  you could tell me what kind of trees they are.

I made some chocolate chip cookies
a few days before the move.

I was glad that I found a place after months of searching, and the best part is it's in the same town as Nel.  About a half hour from the ocean, and 20 minutes from the mountains, I have a view of the mountains from my bedroom window, but this is the best view of all.

I'm tired, but I'll be around to visit you.  I need to take a break from all these boxes for awhile, and seeing your blogs is just what I need.   I was a mere 21 years old here with Nel in my arms.  I would have never thought then she'd be taking care of me one day.



Pilar said...

Sheri that's such a beautiful picture of you and Nel. Congratulations on the move! It looks and sounds wonderful in your new home! Nel sounds a lot like me. I like to help take care of things for my mom to make things easier for her. I actually love doing things like that for my mom :) Get some rest and enjoy your new home!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

That was so nice of Nel to do all that. I am sure you appreciated it so much. You have such sweet daughters. I am sure you are tired. That is a lot to do. Being near the ocean is nice. Best part is getting to be near your family. Enjoy your new home. Post some pictures when you get time.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Oh and I think that is a jacaranda tree. (-:

Karen said...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Beautiful Sheri,

I am confident that God has been watching over you. What a blessing to have family members that care.

That purple tree?I grew up with that tree in my yard.It's a Jacaranda or "CAT PEE" tree because as much as it is gorgeous, if you get close enough to smell it, it's disgusting! However, if you stand back to enjoy it, it's quite a sight.

Best wishes to you in your new place. Southern California is quite different from the north, but you are very fortunate to get a place not far from the water. BLESSINGS!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

How wonderful that your move went smoothly and that you were well taken care of. Take your time unpacking and setting up house, enjoy the process of making it your new 'home sweet home'. Looking forward to seeing and reading more in good time. Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

R's Rue said...

Congratulations. Enjoy your new home.

lian said...

olá Sheri:
fico sempre encantada com suas fotos.
Estas fotos da papoula nos campos me trouxe muita alegria, pois fico imaginando como é belo andar por meio de flores tão lindas.
Lembro-me do filme Irmão Sol, Irmã Lua. de Franco Zefirelli.
São Francisco andando por meio das papoulas no campo.
A árvore da foto parece ser um Jacarandá. É uma madeira maravilhosa, de um perfume que considero o mais maravilhoso dentre as madeiras.
Plantei uma árvore destas em casa . Elas florescem por aqui em novembro, quando a primavera está acabando e logo começa o verão.
Sua foto com sua filha é maravilhosa !!
Desejo tudo de bom em seu novo lar, em sua nova casa.
grande abraço.

Pam said...

Whisteria trees....I love them. I am glad you got moved and so glad you had help. Amber has been a big help to me during my adventure and journey to be at home in my childhood home. I hope you will be happy in your new place.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Congratulations on your new apartment! Beautiful place, and loved ones live nearby.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so glad the move went well! What a huge undertaking and how nice to have help! Your family is so sweet...just like you! I'm happy for you! Can't wait to see your new home! But take your time getting settled in! Sweet hugs, Diane

Ann said...

Love your photos Sheri.
I hope you'll be so happy in your new place.
Props to Nel for making sure your new place
looks great when you arrive.
Take all the rest you need and stay safe ♥


My Shasta Home said...

what a time to move! So you've crossed over - from NorCal to SoCal. Just kidding. My husband grew up in Orange County - born in Long Beach.

Can't wait till you are settled and start in decorating and such. I do miss living near the beach. Stay safe and enjoy living near your daughters. That would be the best part!

Mellie said...

Congrats on the move! Hope you get unpacked and settled in soon.

Carola Bartz said...

This is so sweet of your daughter to take care of you and the move down to SoCal. I can understand that you're tired - moving is a major change! I am not fond of all the things you have to think about - like you mentioned, TV, internet etc. So good that someone took care of that. I wish you a wonderful time in your new home.

Louca por porcelana said...

Precious photo of you and Nell.I also love the other gorgeous pictures.I wish you happiness in your new home!Blessings,dear Sheri.

Jeanie said...

Well done, Sheri, finding a wonderful home by your daughter. I think you'll love being there, close to your sweet baby grand, near the ocean. Wonderful.

Hats off to Nel. Three cheers for all the terrific help she gave you in the move, arrangements, all that. It's a real pain on a good day. With a little one, I can only imagine it's much harder. I hope you gave her a cookie!

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know you had found a place and you had decided to move! And in the middle of a pandemic.
All I can say about your family - your two girls and extended family is WOW.
I am shocked in such a great way with all what they did for you.
I hope you are happy there.
That is a beautiful photo of you and Nel.
Love, sandie

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your Nel is a sweetheart, Sheri! You have raised her to respect and do what's best for you. You have a lovely family and I know you are happy to be nearby them. I love what Jess said about the wave of poppies in bloom on the mountainside! How lovely. I'm so glad you are resting. I really can't imagine moving--We've lived in our home for almost 47 years. It would be a monumental task for sure! Take care and enjoy your new home.

Rose said...

So glad you are near Nel...and someone said that was a Jackaranda tree...not sure of the spelling but they are right. I had to look it up when I was out there to stay with one of my daugters in LA. It is an invasive species. Still beautiful. Love that picture of you and Nel...both your daughters are wonderful.

Dewena said...

Sheri, daughters are such a blessing! And sons too! It's wonderful to read about the things Nel did for you to help make this move easier. And I know there will be so many times ahead where you all will share happy times together. Family is just everything! Our own daughter just moved here last week with her husband from Montana. And her first grandchild was born the week before. I'm hoping that little granddaughter will help keep them here.

Your new area sounds amazing! Can it get any better than to have the ocean and mountains both near? Now you do try to pace yourself in unpacking. Moving is stressful, even when it's a happy move.

Love to you,

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Sheri, So thankful Nel helped you with your move and I wish you so much happiness in your new home. Love the photos you have shared. The poppies are amazing! Mildred

It's me said...

A new house....Congratulations.....I hope you will live there with hapiness and joy.....stay safe ....love from me Ria 💕🍀💕🍀💕🍀💕

nonie everythingsewing said...

I am so glad you have such a beautiful spot and in such a pretty area. I don't know if it's the state of our country right now or what but I have been so emotional and as I read your post, I cried. such love how wonderful.


baili said...

the conclusion of this post touched my heart deep dear Sheri :)

how lovely that Nel helped you with each single chore while moving and after shifting she arranged everything to your comfort :)

you are fortunate to have such precious girl :) it is most beautiful reward for a gardener when is able to sit under the tree he planted many years ago :)

how nice that you can view mountain from bedroom window ,area seems amazingly flavored with nature and i am glad i will be watching the magic of your clicks more :)
enjoy new residence my friend!
stay healthy and beautiful as always!

Marilyn Miller said...

My that sounds like an easy move. Amazing! Oh those poppies. I love seeing your pictures. How special to be so close to family and the ocean too. How I would love that. Enjoy your new home!

Carla from The River said...

Oh Sheri, I loved this post. You have a blessed family. Lots of love to you and your family. I am excited to see your new area as you explore. I loved the photo of the poppies and how Jess described them.
Love, Carla

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri it sounds like your daughter did an excellent job with getting you moved. That had to be a great big undertaking for both of you. I hope you get some fine rest before starting the unpacking. Loved seeing the mountains with the Orange poppies. Truly it is like God used a paintbrush. Don't you just love Andy Griffith!! Hugs

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I am thankful that your search is over and that you have settled into a most lovely spot near the sea, mountains and your daughter. Just like Anita, I know for certain that God is watching over His dear daughter and will continue to do so.
Family is everything, and being blessed by the love of daughter's is a most precious gift indeed.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hello, Dear Sheri, I am catching up with you here. What a dear photo of you and Nel. Time just flies by and now our daughter's are Mothers themselves. I am so happy for you that you are now living close to your loved ones. It's wonderful how they have looked out for you and helped set you up in your new home. So nice to have a view of the mountains and have those incredible purple flowering trees nearby! The hillsides of poppies are so wonderful. I've seen them, many years ago when we drove through on a road trip, and they are amazing. So glad that everything went smoothly for your move. Sending hugs xo Karen