Every day it is always there
Whether in mind or body
Whether I want it to be or not~
Sometimes it's like being haunted
By a constant presence
Of sometimes happiness
Sometimes anger~
But it is always filled with love
That love is my protector.
That protector is my Mother.
~Rainy Ortiz
Danelle, I was your age in this photo. If you remember, they had us strike a serious pose here. It was a fun day dressing up in different outfits, and I was thinking of doing it again very soon, with the granddaughters included.
Dear daughters....haunt your children pleasantly, so that you are beloved in their eyes. So, that you are a teacher of good and decent things. Make special memories with them, so that they will have charming stories to tell their own kids. Haunt your children with endearment, just as your grandmothers have done to me.
Some spooky looking pictures at the trail.
I woke up very early on Sunday,
even before the sun came up, and was on my way.
I woke up very early on Sunday,
even before the sun came up, and was on my way.
"I will love the light for it shows me the way,
yet I will endure the darkness because
it shows me the stars."
~Og Mandino
We've had strong winds here in California, up to 85 mph. in some areas. There is always a concern of fires when the winds are that fierce. There are some happening right now in the north and south areas (not close to me), very scary.
It's a tradition of ours to get a jack-o-lantern pizza every year at Papa Murphy's. Me and my son enjoyed it with coke. ; ) He loves the football season.
It's a time to dress up.

It's a tradition of ours to get a jack-o-lantern pizza every year at Papa Murphy's. Me and my son enjoyed it with coke. ; ) He loves the football season.
It's a time to dress up.
