Monday, July 1, 2019

Brand New Pair Of Roller Skates

Some red, white, and blue pics

Jess lives in an area where they don't allow fireworks, so that bothers her every year, but she always finds something fun to do, and she lives about 5 minutes from the ocean, so she doesn't complain much.  
Nel is moving in her new place this week.  So much to do, so much cleaning, so much organizing.  It will be tiring moving with the baby, but she's pretty efficient, and I know she'll do fine.  
As for me.....
will probably watch the fireworks in my town,
I'm just thankful to be free!
Happy Fourth of July, friends.
This is a song that I used to love growing up, when things were simple, those carefree days.  I think my favorite version is the one sung by last years' American Idol winner, Maddie Poppe.  Enjoy!


Chatty Crone said...

I love that song and I remember it. I love America - the red -white-and blue. I am thankful to be free.
I love fireworks but Disco does not.
Well everyone is home now as it should be.
I saw that chocolate heart.
And tea!
The rose was beautiful.
Looks like a 4th of July picnic there.
Have a good one.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Wonderful posting!

It's me said...

Wowww wonderful from me Ria x 💕💕

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Sheri, you are right; this song takes me back to when I was a teen and this song was BIG....that freedom, that openness in the summer air! I'm not going to say that I miss those days because I LIVE THEM OUT now during my long summer vacation. Have fun my friend, as you go and enjoy the lights.

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable as ever...Happy 4th!Hugs!

Louca por porcelana said...

I forgot to say that teapot is exquisite!!!

Aritha V. said...

I love the eggs (and all the other pics)

Maristela Guilherme said...

Fotos lindas!

Pilar said...

Lovely photos Sheri! Wishing you a great 4th and week!

Laurel Wood said...

That is such a fun song. Growing up, we had a really long sidewalk in front of our home and I skated a million miles! Your photos are lovely. Our little town will have fireworks but sadly, the noise scares my pets. They will probably spend a lot of time under the bed! I wish you a blessed and happy Fourth!

Pam said...

Beautiful pics. Wow..hard to believe that July is already here.

Azka Kamil said...

awesome article.
thanks for sharing :)

Rose said...

I liked that song, too...will listen to this version later, though I probably heard it when she sang it. I love Almond Joys, too. I don't think we will be doing much for the 4th...Roger cannot stand to be out in the heat.


HAPPY 4th of JULY.

Carla from The River said...

I love your photos. I like the hat by the candle. Is it a pin?
Happy July Sheri!
Yippee!! Your family is home in California.
xx oo

baili said...

Awesome photos and lovely sharing dear Sheri !

from the bottom of my heart HAPPY FREEDOM MY FRIEND!
freedom is as essential as breathing indeed!

i am always fond of your soothing way of sharing ,life seems so beautiful when kids are settled :)

Oh hope you won't mind if i steal some watermelon :)

cookies look yummy!!!

more and more blessings to you my friend!

Susan said...

Hello Dear Sheri...What a charming, darling post. Bet that candles smells divine. And yes, I'd gobble up that chocolate Sandie spotted. ha haha I can certainly see where Francesca would bring your heart immense love. Hope your Fourth is filled with fun, Sheri. Susan p.s. Thanks so much for your sweet visits and kind words. You are always such a dear friend.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good evening dearest Sheri!Thank you for coming to my blog; I want to ask you something. Were you able to hear the music? Without the music, the post makes no sense...just checking!

Natalia said...

Happy 4th of July!:)

Jeanie said...

All that wonderful red! Loved the troll doll at the end. It will be a good fourth for you. Seeing those deviled eggs reminds me I was going to make some and forgot to get the mayo. BAck to town!

Sandi said...

"Jess lives in an area where they don't allow fireworks..."

Why don't they allow them?

Happy 4th!🇺🇸

Milllie said...

What a lovely post!! I enjoyed this!! Hope you have a great day♡♡


From The Heart said...

All the pictures are beautiful.And looks like you will be having a nice Fourth of July. It will be pretty quiet here though there will be some fireworks around. Our little town already had their display.
Have a blessed and your beautiful family!

Marilyn Miller said...

Now that song at the end just made me smile. Thanks!
Hope your day is extra special. I think I would choose the beach over fireworks any day.

My Shasta Home said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful 4th. Beautiful photography.

Carola Bartz said...

Fireworks are illegal in our town (except for the big official one), but unfortunately there are people who are above the law and entitled. They probably don't remember anymore that our town was in flames less than two years ago.

Susie said...

Sheri, Isn't that the cutest little song. Maddie sings it so well. I hope you get to enjoy your girls soon. Praying Nel and her family get settle smoothly. That's a beautiful rose just for you. :) Blessings to you my sweet friend, love you, xoxo, Susie

handmade by amalia said...

I hope you all had a lovely 4th, dear Sheri. Nice to catch up on all your news.

Debby Ray said...

Great red, white and blue images! I hope you had a great one!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri such a happy post. I had forgotten this lovely old song. Thank you for making me smile today. Hugs!

Walking the Bean said...

Hi Sheri...happy belated 4th (it's the 10th now). Thx for the photos. My favorite is the coffee and chocolate. Have a great week.
