They're back again.
The pink blossom trees are
on all the streets gracing my town.
I love these birds.
I was literally thinking about the Richard Sheridan quote, "Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you," and turned around and saw this....a single rose all by itself at the shopping center.
I think these are sweet.
"I am still learning."
~Michelangelo at 87 years old
I won a giveaway!
It's a delightful children's book, Busy in Boots, and I can't wait to read it to my grandkids. The giveaway was from Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose. The present was wrapped so nicely, including a card and two gift tags. She also gave me one of her creative magnets that she made. It looks pretty on my pedestal dish, so I think it will stay there. I love getting surprises in the mail!
This guy was right outside my bedroom window. He was so close, I could touch him.
And his protective mama.
Look at her face,
"don't mess with my young one."
She reminds me of me when
I had small kids.
Remember my lady with the blue flowers? I changed them out for Spring. When I saw this bouquet at World Market, it really spoke to me.
Doesn't Nel's King Cake look delicious?
I saved my favorite picture for last.
Have you ever seen a gnome with a camera?

March has been mellow
so far,
and that's ok with me. ; )