Monday, March 10, 2025

Mellow March

Good Morning!

I'm having my Starbuck's Cafe' Verona coffee this morning visiting with you.🍵  It was mostly sunny all last week, but it's still very cold in the mornings, in the 20's, and snowflakes were accumulating on my car Friday morning.

I have been gathering little things for the kids for when I see them soon.  Remember the Peeps?  I saw these light up Peeps necklaces that I thought would be fun for them. 

Nel mentioned to me that Mia was into Cinnamoroll lately.  Have you heard of this character?  (she is Hello Kitty's friend).  There are so many cute things on Amazon, and I was browsing through them all.

My son made the best homemade chips and salsa.  He sauteed the onions first, and added this and that.

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."

~John Burroughs

I thought this was the prettiest Spring cup, so I bought it, along with two oven mitts.   Just to brighten up the kitchen a bit.

On Ash Wednesday, a meal of fish and pasta salad.

Fluffy pancakes for dinner last night.  Syrup is too sweet for me, and this organic four fruit spread is really good.

My calendar for March features one of my favorite words.

This mama still reminds her 30 and 40 year-old children of the special days of the Easter season...Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday.  These days are important to me, so how could I not?  They always expect to get a message saying "Reminder, no meat today!"  I was pleased to hear that for Lent the girls are going to make a strong effort to show more kindness during the Easter season.  We do need more kindness in the world today, don't we?

We love alleys here, and Jess sent me this picture of a beautiful alley.

Have you noticed that we come across people in our daily lives who are so friendly and good to us, while others have a scowl on their face when interacting with us?  We seem to treat them the same way, but their attitudes are completely different. 😒

Some Easter things.  You know, I love purple at Easter, but I also like yellow.  Kim from Daisy Cottage took this picture, and I will forever put it out at Eastertime.  I placed it in a new frame.  Jess and Nel find the cutest frames.

I have to say that March isn't one of my favorite months, it's too long, but it is a somewhat mellow month.


Monday, March 3, 2025


 Up here in the Mount Shasta territory,

there have lived several Native Americans - one of them is the Wintu tribe.  The Wintu people and their ancestors have lived in this area for thousands of years.  This is homeland of the Wintu tribe. 

I know a little something about these people, as my mother-in-law was part Wintu.  She was born and raised in this area, and she used to talk to me about them from time to time, which I found interesting.  She was also Scottish, Irish, and Welch, but part Wintu as well.

In history, the Wintu are described as a peaceful people.

There were 34,000 Wintu living in the homeland, but by 1910 there were only 710 people left.

California map showing Wintu homeland in the shaded black.

Two significant foods that the Wintu ate were acorns and fish, mainly salmon.  The acorns were ground into flour and then made into soups and breads.

They were known for weaving baskets.  Here is a Wintu basket in the 1890's.

Wintu arrow

Native American Wintu tribe Bone Abalone Necklace.

Most of you know what a dream catcher is.  This is a gift I received recently.  I love the yellow and orange beads, they look Springy.

I hope to share sometime a little of my own Native American heritage, the fierce Apache.  

  I have had this bracelet since I was in my 20's.  I've never given it away, I think because it has my initials engraved in the leather.  It looks a bit Native American, don't you think?

I'll leave you with one of my favorite stories.

Old Story Teller:  And a Man sat alone, drenched deep in sadness.  And all the animals drew near to him and said, "We do not like to see you so sad.  Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it."  The Man said, "I want to have good sight."  The vulture replied, "You shall have mine."  The Man said, "I want to be strong."  The jaguar said, "You shall be strong like me."  Then the Man said, "I long to know the secrets of the earth."  The serpent replied, "I will show them to you."  And so it went with all the animals.  And when the Man had all the gifts that they could give, he left.  Then the owl said to the other animals, "Now the Man knows much, he'll be able to do many things.  Suddenly I am afraid."  The deer said, "The Man has all that he needs.  Now his sadness will stop."  But the owl replied, "No.  I saw a hole in the Man, deep like a hunger he will never fill.  It is what makes him sad and what makes him want.  He will go on taking and taking, until one day the World will say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give.'"


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Thinking Of The Pope

You know, I love the home, and all that it gives us....shelter, warmth, stability, and calm.  But as much as I love home, I do like to get out almost every day, even in the harshest weather, just to see the sights, do a little shopping, visit some places of nature, and maybe bring back home a goody or two.  When I was picking out the donuts I wanted, the lady next to me said, "have a blessed day."  It seems to be the phrase people use up here, and it's very kind.

The sun has melted much of our snow, and we're not expected any more snow and rain until March.

K's Boutique has a display of dolls in her window.

Here are some pictures of unusual things I came across in town.  Strangely enough, this road leads you to the cemetery.

The creek is filled more than I've ever seen it.

Easter is in about eight weeks, and around this time, everything is Purple at my house.  When I was at the antique shop, I found this pretty tea cup saucer with purple flowers.  Of course, I couldn't resist, and will use it in my Easter decor.  The bottom has Germany written on it.

My son made another batch of croissants.  He's trying to master this recipe, and let me tell you, I think he figured it out.  They were scrumptious with butter and grape spread.

Don't live in this fear. 😱

I am just getting ready to take a trip to my hometown.  The thing is, it's three hours, and I don't want to drive.  I wish there was a magic carpet ride to get me there.

*painting by Nadir Quinto

I haven't shared a poem in a long time, so here ya go.....

May we raise children

who love the unloved things -

the dandelion, the

worms & spiderlings.

Children who sense

the rose needs the thorn

& run into rainswept days

the same way they

turn towards sun....

And when they're grown &

someone has to speak for those

who have no voice

may they draw upon that

wilder bond, those days of

tending tender things

and be the ones.

~Nicolette Sowder

I loved this picture for many reasons, so wanted to share it.  It was at Charlotte's Baptism.

I've been thinking of the Pope, who is in critical condition and was hospitalized with a lung infection and then developed pneumonia.  Pope Francis shares message after a night in the hospital: "Thank you for your closeness."  He needs our prayers right now.
