Monday, November 18, 2024

A Box From The Past

I got a call early in the morning saying, "Are you going to be around?  I'll be over in about half an hour.  I have some Thanksgiving goodies for you."  And of course, my reply was, "Yes!"  My brother-in-law had just gone to the store and bought me a lot of Thanksgiving groceries - a turkey, potatoes, cranberries, apple pie, and more.  When I mentioned how thankful I was for it all, he said, "it's just what I do."  And it is.  Since I've been living up here, he's been surprising me with Thanksgiving goodies every year.

I made him a hot cup of coffee when he got here, and my son had just baked some French pastries, so I served him one with the coffee.  They were really good, flaky, and just a bit sweet.  I just found this Christmas cup last week, and thought it was so cute.

He not only bought me Thanksgiving groceries, he put a few snacks in there as well. It was hard to pry myself away from the nacho cheese popcorn in front, I had to discipline myself; they were that good.

He also brought me a bottle of French wine.  Who doesn't love a rainbow?

There was a big box that he was carrying when he came in, and I wondered what it was.  They were old photos of the kids growing up that belonged to his mom.  I guess  he's not the only one who's been doing some de-cluttering.  Many of us are now, and he's been wanting to give me these pictures for a long time.  I told him that I had most of them, but a few were taken by grandma when we visited her that I didn't have.  There was also treasured notes and things.  So, I've been going through this box all week to see what to keep.  I was close to my mother-in-law, and it was so heartwarming to see this one card that I sent her, and to read the words I wrote, and I smiled at the thought of her keeping it all those years until she passed.

It was a nice visit, and if you didn't know already.....I love surprises! 🙌

There was a dog who was peering through the car window at the grocery store that looked just like a teddy bear dog.  Not a good picture, cause it was raining and the window was up, but you can see what I mean.

We've had lots of rain!  And I am still embracing Autumn's quiet beauty.

A few days after I took the pictures above, a strong wind came to us, and blew all the leaves to the roof and ground.

I don't know who I'm going to give this to, but it was too cute not to buy it.  Originally, I thought of baby Charlotte, but the other girls love stuffed animals too.  With its bright eyed face, I may have to keep her for myself.

My first holiday coffee - peppermint latte.  

I have to show you the table Jess created, cause it was so delightful.  First, she picked up two pallets from Oxnard, and Francesca had the idea to paint it, so they painted it together.  She added seat cushions and unicorn inspired decor for a "unicorn garden party in the park."

I bought some Christmas tea for the season. Tis the season to be jolly.....fa la la la la.



Louca por porcelana said...

Precious time! Such beauty and happiness...Thank you for sharing my dear friend.

R's Rue said...

Kindness really does uplift the spirit.

Debby said...

I love that pallet. What a good idea. I’m here thinking how I could do this without having to sit on cushions on the ground; because once I go down, it’s hard to get up. I’d like that as a table top. Hmmmm, my creative juices are stirring around! You must thank Jess and Francesca for such a good and colorful idea!
Your brother-in-law is so kind. What a surprise, plus a complete Thanksgiving meal.
As you know, us down the mountain from you are having rain although today will be sunny. Looks like rain is set for the rest of the week - maybe snow for you?
Your posts always makes me smile. I thank God for you.