Monday, August 23, 2021

Strange Days

Update on the fires.....there are several fires still burning in northern California.  One is about half hour from me.  Some have been contained, and some are still wildly burning.  I continue to pray.  And I thank all of those who prayed along with me.  So many strange things happening in the world right now.  And people seem to be acting strange as well.  Whenever it's starting to get to me, I have a chat with the girls and feel better.  And seeing the little ones makes it even better.

I made some cornbread, and it turned out good.  I haven't had it in such a long time.  I had it with a generous amount of butter.  ; )

Our precious Mia turned three.  Nel didn't have a big celebration for her, but she had some family over to sing and have cake.  She spent the day at the happiest place on earth, the Magic Kingdom.  It wasn't crowded, and she didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes for each ride.

My neighbor's roses are planted at the wrong house.  ; )

I bought my first Fall cup the other day, couldn't resist.

I found my Milagro (which means Miracle) - I thought it was lost when I moved, but it was in the back of my car hidden.  It's tarnished, and doesn't look the same, but is still pretty.   When I bought it, the lady told me that the Milagro was a blessed gift of the heart and that you can put notes or prayers inside.

Do these feel like strange days to you too?



CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Happy Birthday Mia! My grandson turns 3 in September! They are going to Disneyland too! That is a fun place! I am so glad you found your Milagro! It is strange times. We do need a miracle too! The fires are so bad. It is scary. Stay safe!

Sandi said...

"So many strange things happening in the world right now."

It's like ...well, I am at a loss for words.

Malindha Erba said...

Take good care of fires, good luck with it

R's Rue said...

So strange and frustrating. Holding on to hope my friend. Hugs.

Linda O'Connell said...

These are strange and difficult times. My great grandson returned ot in class school today and once I saw a photo of him all smiles, waiting for the bus, I relaxed and asked God to protect him. Funny isn't it how those little ones provide comfort for us? Praying for your safety.

Deserae said...

I'm so glad to hear you are safe and that the fires are not near your house. I will continue to pray for your safety and for others too. I love cornbread and have not had it in years! I may just have to make me some too. I love your milagro.....

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday Mia! I can't believe she is 3. I am glad that you have her to make your day - it is nice to concentrate on good things these days.
I like your new cup.
I also am concerned about the fires there - and I know you are too - I hope they put them out soon.
I love the roses.
I think these are some of the most unusual times I have ever been in. I just attended the funeral of my best friend from Covid yesterday. I HATE IT.
Now we have the Delta variety. When is this ever going to end?
I am glad we are Christians - we just have to put one foot in front of the other sometimes.
Love, sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

I never heard of a Milagro, so I learned something new today. I agree about people acting different lately. I guess it is because of all the Covid stress. What a cute photo of the girls! I cannot resist mugs either, and have run out of room to put them. The fall ones are my favorite. T.J. Maxx usually has a lot, really cheap as well.

Hena Tayeb said...

They are strange indeed.
Happy Birthday to Mia!
Praying for those forest fires to die down.

nonie everythingsewing said...

Times seem so strange right now. I don't think people know how to act Our fires are still burning but not the ones that are close to us, those are under control.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet grand! How wonderful she was celebrating at the Magic Kingdom. The times are strange, dear Sheri. There is so much going on in the world tha is unsettling. I will continue to pray that the fires are contained. I am sorry they are close to you, friend.

My Shasta Home said...

Oh, I am feeling Fall is near even though it's still 90+ I can tell. I have started to do some Fall cleaning and will soon start decorating for my favorite season.

Unfortunately, the fires will be here till winter, I have heard. The cooler the weather is, and lower nighttime temps will aid in the containment. It's been a rough summer. I'll be happy when it's OVER!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest Sheri.

Yes. I feel it too. Last week, I was in tears because it just felt that things are getting worse between world events to relationships. The latter, which is the closest in proximity to my persona experience, shatters me. What happened to kindness and understanding?

Olde Dame Holly said...

These days feel very strange. Very unpleasant, too, which I don't like; I like to look on the happy side of life but the world is very dark right now. But your blog is like a candle in the darkness! I love your new cup, and thank you for sharing your beautiful photos each post.

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Wonderful posting ;-)) I hope there will be heavy rain that will put out the wildfires. The whole year has been weird!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Thank you for letting me know about the containment, Sheri. Praying that they will soon be fully contained. Take care of yourself!

Jeanie said...

My days are very good and not at all strange, but then I'm not living near big fires which ha to be very disturbing. I have odd feeling about Afghanistan and really buckling down on Covid. I hope your rain doesn't come with lightning when it lands.

Wise Hearted said...

Yes, yes, yes, lots of strange things going on. I am more than thankful to know the Lord during these trying times. I pray daily for discernment to be able to read what is going on. Someday, i listen to the news, some I do not. I have to be in a place mentally to listen or read all the issue going on. I cannot fix any of them which makes me sad, but I do know someone who knows all and He holds my past, present and future in His hands and in that I can rest. Good post.

Veronica Lee said...

Your cornbread looks amazing! And Mia is most adorable.

Yep, it's a strange world we are living in these days.

Rocío G. Tizón said...

Yes, they are too strange, indeed. I'm your new follower. May you follow me back?
Thanks and have a nice day!

Patricia said...

Disneyland! What a perfect birthday treat for little Mia. She is a sweetie. I would love to have some of your cornbread; it is not usually made here, and I have only had it once or twice. Yes, these are strange day sindeed Sheri. It is difficult to plan ahead, and there is no stability in looking forward to a holiday or event - so frequently do they get cancelled. I went to my Pfizer appointment I have had for 8 weeks, and they refused to give me the jab. The Government has apparently changed the rules since they gave me my date, and they declared me ineligible. I was at the hospital for over an hour, had three interviews, while they tried to make me have Astra Zeneca instead, against my personal doctor's preference. How weird it is. I said I want to go home and see my doctor next week. Thank you for the beauty you share, especially the Milagro, which I have also never seen before. Bless you.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Sherri :) sweet photos of the girls and fun to see them enjoying themselves at Disneyland. A belated happy birthday to Mia and Nel. I lived about half an hour away back in the 80s. We went there a lot! Had a continuing stream of out-of-state visitors in those two years, lol! But always fun! Praying that the fires will be contained and put out soon. So much going on in the world and I pray for everyone. Part of this strangeness we feel, I believe it is that we hear about everything instantaneously, and repeated over and over again. I am not talking about the Pandemic as that is a world wide horror, but I sometimes wonder if these other terrible happenings have always been happening but we never heard about them. Now we are hearing everything! I know it’s not that simple though. It helps to visit blogs such as yours to help me smile for a while, and escape just a little. The photo of your cornbread is making me want to get into the kitchen, and all that butter? Yum! The cake with the strawberries? Also, very yum and so pretty! I’m happy you found your Milagro, it’s beautiful! I guess I have waffled on long enough, leaving now happier for my visit :) Thank you so much and enjoy the rest of your week :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Thanks for reminding me that the heart is a milagro. I have two, but couldn't remember the name.
Love "the happiest place on earth". So many fond memories there.
Praying the fires stay away from where you live.

Carla from The River said...

Yes, dear friend, things are not going well.
As a military mom, I am very concerned about foreign policy.
I am very concerned about the fires.. that continue to burn.
I am very concerned about the virus.. that seems to continue to change day to day. In fact I have a friend in the hospital due to blood clot issues. So much is going on, it is difficult to stay positive.
Love, Carla

Sakuranko said...

My best wishes to you darling
Good photos

RaeAbigael said...

Always keep safe, Sheri! Happy Birthday to Mia! :) The cornbread looks delicious, I think I have never tasted one tho? And the roses look so beautiful! Keep safe

xoxo, rae


Pam said...

Strange days, seems like I have been having them since the passing of mom, 2.5yrs ago. Living here in my childhood home, Covid, ....just so much. Some days I just feel so discombobalated that goes along with that strange feeling. I would be always walking the floor with the fires that close to me. I know when we were flooding in 2010 I walked the floor, having the creek next to my house. It was nerve wracking. Cornbread looks amazing. Being that I love rosemary I have made my cornbread with it. I found that using cornmeal, some flour, some sourcream, eggs, milk and rosemary....YUM!!! I don't make it unless I am having company. I make it, I eat it and I don't need it...haha

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable photos,sweet Sheri."Pray and pray hard"...

Ann said...

Your corn bread looks delish Sheri
and your grandchildren looks adorable.
BER months are coming and your cup will be used often.
Stay safe and I will be praying for you and your place.
Me too feels a little bothered of what is happening
around the world. Just look on the bright side of our lives,
mostly our family and loved ones.


Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri I am praying you keep safe with those fires so close. I am sure you can smell the smoke too.
Ah Mia is certainly looking like she enjoyed her birthday. As for that cornbread - do you have any left? If so I will stop by and perhaps you will share a piece with me :)! Hugs!
P.S. thank you too for visiting and leaving such a sweet sentiment on my blog. You are so sweet and kind.

Debbie Nolan said...

Oh and Sheri sorry to read about your nephew. It is never easy when we lose someone we love. Please take care.


i am so sorry for not touching base sooner. health issues have kept me occupied. i'm praying with you about so many things. seems everything is just falling apart around us. but the wildfires are foremost on my mind cause i have family all over the state. and then there's you dear blog buddy. i was delighted to see you baked some cornbread. it is on the menu here too. growing up it was on the dinner table every night. it's been forever since i've had it. but i wanted a taste of home. be safe. take care. i may not comment as often but you're in my thoughts.

Rose said...

Oh, yes, it has been a strange year...we are going to see the kids tomorrow. The first time in over two months. I have never gone this long without seeing Lorelei. Both daughters and Lorelei's dad all had Covid...but Lorelei's mom has had such a hard time getting over it. LOrelei was worried...her mom was sick at home for a week or a bit over..then in the hospital for a week...been out of the hospital for 4 weeks I think tomorrow and is just now starting to feel normal.

Do you have to worry about evacuating because of the fires? I sure hope not.

Kim said...

It does feel like we just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Then another bad thing happens and we wait for yet another shoe to drop, and on and on it goes. I often wonder what the time before Jesus returns will be like. Will it be like this? Will it be much worse? Who knows? It certainly makes me wonder about these times we're in. Our country certainly deserves God's judgment. I pray for His mercy on us all. I also pray for those fires to stay away from you, Sheri. Lord, please bless Sheri's area with rain!