Monday, July 26, 2021

More Family Time In The Mountains

While my family was here visiting, we ate in, but we also ate out.  And the first night, we went to a pizza eatery right in my town.   It really is one of the best pizzas that I've had.  We got one pepperoni and one combination.

The next morning, Jess made a simple breakfast of bacon and eggs and coffee.  She makes the best breakfasts, always cooking slow and steady.

I found the original popsicles at the store that we used to have when we were kids.  They enjoyed them, and what kid doesn't love popsicles on a hot Summer day?  

They spent a long time playing with my vanity, and were fascinated with the jewels and colors and trinkets.  I don't wear jewelry that often, but I told Jess that I should get more jewelry just so they could play with it.  They had the best time trying things on and looking through it all.  

We drove to Mount Shasta....Nel wanted to visit her Grandma at the cemetery, which I thought was a lovely idea.  It was a sentimental moment for the girls, as they miss their Grandma very much.  

A few years ago, I found a little accordion angel, and it reminded me of my mother-in-law because she used to play the accordion.  It was the perfect time to put the angel on her grave site and let her know how much I miss her.

Driving, we saw Mount Shasta in the distance, and it was the first time that I haven't seen snow on this mountain.

Mount Shasta is one of the most spiritual mountains around.  It's 14,179 feet, and Nel has climbed it twice!  She wants to climb it once again with Mia when she's older.....and I believe she will!

I will leave you with one of my favorite poems, Glorious Mount Shasta.

Shasta! O Mount Shasta! What Secrets do you hide,
What dwells within that Heart of Yours, What Light does There abide?
Beneath your snowy peaks so bright What Blessings do you hold,
What Knowledge do you guard so well From those who seek too bold?
I think I hear you speak to me From your pure heights above.
I feel and hear your answer now; "There's just one way - through Love!"
To him who knows that 'Presence' well And lives It, too, beside,
My Secrets are an open book, From him I've naught to hide.
Learn well that Golden Key of Life, It opens every lock;
With It you may fling wide my Door, For Love ne'er needs to knock.
"O sons of Earth who seek more Light, Learn first Love's Great Command!
Pour out Its Healing Golden Streams, And in my Heart you'll stand."

I hope my family enjoyed their time in the mountains.

  They will be in my heart until I see them again.


Monday, July 19, 2021

Family Time In The Mountains

My family visited last week, and it was soooo good to see them.  There were lots of hugs and kisses from grandma, and playing and talking and also some traveling.  When they first got here, I had a seven layer bean dip and chips ready for them, along with some potato salad and lemonade.  The little ones know me as cookie grandma, as I'm always baking cookies for them when I see them.

I bought two pink lawn chairs for the grandgirls, and placed two BIG teddy bears on them to greet them when they pulled up.  These were my kids' bears when they were little, and they are very special to them.

I found goodies here and there to fill their cabinet so they would have something to play with.

Remember the glass jar I bought at the home store?  I filled it with peanut M&M's, Brian's favorite candy.

The first day, we traveled to see some beautiful Waterfalls.  These Falls are amazing, and people come from all over to see them.  We talked with families that were traveling from Huntington Beach and other states like Florida and Texas.  Here are some pictures of the Falls.

An old man taking a rest with his loyal companion.

Little feet going up the steep walkway (Francesca).  It's quite a hike to get to the top of the Falls.

There is a cool little shop there that we went to and bought some water and snacks.  They sell t-shirts and cups and other items.  Here is Mia outside the shop standing next to a huge tree, which looked very much like a Christmas tree.

We walked so much, she was pooped out at the end of the trip.

It was such a fun day, and I was so glad to see my family again.  I'll show you a little more of their visit next time.


Monday, July 12, 2021

This And That In July

You know, since I moved to the mountains, I haven't had cable for 6 months!  Yes, half a year, because I got so tired of turning on the tv and seeing all the nonsense going on in the world.  The news showed many bad and violent happenings, so I just needed a break for awhile.  But I felt like I was missing some of the good shows, so I had cable installed last week.  And with July comes the Hallmark Christmas in July shows.  I think Candace Cameron Bure is my favorite Christmas actor.  ; )

July has been good to me, but there are some days when you just need a cup of coffee in the afternoon and a treat.

I have to show you the fabulous cake that Jess made Nel for her 40th.  It was a birthday funfetti cake inside with buttercream frosting.  On the sides of the cake she made her homemade macarons, which are very time consuming.  It was delicious, and it looked like a work of art.

For Nel's 40th, the girls went to a spa for the day.  There were massages, a hot tub, pools, healing hot springs, and a nice lunch afterwards.  Here is Nel and Jess and Nel's sister-in-law taking a mud bath.  What a fun day.

I bought this glass jar at the home shop and am going to fill it with candy for my family when they come to visit soon.  It's really nice and sturdy.

My mini roses are coming along, and my pink bush is getting fuller every day.  This is the peach one.

I can't wait to see these little ones.  I won't be able to stop kissing them.

It's been pretty hot here, in the 100's, but supposed to cool down a little this week....hopefully.

I must confess, you're not my favorite season.  ; )


Monday, July 5, 2021

Baking A Pie For The Neighbor

Nel 's neighbor gave her and Renecke some lawn chairs, and to thank them Nel wanted to make them a peach pie, and Mia helped too.  She started making really good peach pies when she lived in Georgia.  She said the peaches there were the best, so ripe and juicy.

The neighbor was delighted when she brought the pie over.  She made one for her family also.  She ended up putting blackberries and blueberries in it, and it turned out great.

I love that my daughters have baking time with their little ones.  They have so much fun baking together.

It's our Nel's birthday this week!

Even though you're 40, my dear Danelle, you'll always be 4 to your mama.  ; )