Monday, November 2, 2020

Festive Quarantine Party

It was such a fun time at the Halloween Quarantine Party this weekend.  Nel and Jess worked around the clock and came up with so many clever ideas to make this day a blast for the kids.

The children watched a movie while the grown ups cleaned, prepared, and set everything up.

Jess in her cute t-shirt outside working on the haunted house.

Nel made a pot of jambalaya in the crock pot, which tasted like a dish straight out of New Orleans.  There were lots of kiddie foods too.

Jess made these pumpkin cookies, and later dipped them in melted chocolate.  I ate too many of them.  : )

Magic potion for the grown ups later on.

The table was fun and festive with the centerpiece being spooky books and the poison apple from Snow White.

Nel made the cutest favors and filled them with candy for the kids.

She also had pumpkins for each child.

They tried to make the haunted house as suitable as they could for the different ages.  These ghosts were so cute, and they lit up at night.

Jess created a long line of boxes so the kids could crawl through with cut-out windows on the sides.  They loved it!

There was a pinata also for later in the evening, a tradition that was passed on by their grandma.

Nel's dog guarding the cemetery.

Nel painting her nails and getting ready to put on her costume.  She said it's been a long time since she painted her nails.   That's motherhood for you.  ; )

Mia was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and Francesca was a Dinosaur.

I even dressed up!  A Spanish lady, and was surprised that I still fit into Nel's costume that she had when she was in her 30's haha.  The fan actually came from Spain, a gift that Nel brought back for me in her travels years ago.

It was a fun time for all, and they will have special memories for years to come.

My camera went a little wacky, and isn't this a spooky photo of Francesca?

Welcome November!



Louca por porcelana said...

You had a great time!Such fun!Awesome decoration,I am sure you and your adorable Grands enjoyed the party so much!How especial and precious!Those cookies are mouthwatering!Hugs,dear Sheri!

Martha said...

It all looks perfect and so much fun! You looked very pretty in your costume too :)

Chatty Crone said...

Wow so much to say.
First of all is there anyway to send me the recipe for those pumpkin cookies. I would love to make them. THANKS.

Well that was the best Halloween party I have ever seen. NICE. Good food and nice adult treats. ☺

Cute Dorothy and dinosaur.

Love that table decorations and gift bags.

I love the piñata. You were a beautiful Spanish woman you were!

I am glad the two girls have each other to grow up with.

Lastly - I think that Haunted House was so cool.

So much fun - happy November.


R's Rue said...

How sweet.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

A Spanish exotic! And beautiful! Love Dorothy and the little dinosaur! Everything looks like such fun! What great memories everyone made this year! YAY!

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Absolutely wonderful posting;-)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Children make holidays so much better! Happy you had a nice festive Halloween.

Carla from The River said...

This is fantastic Sheri, a perfect way to celebrate during the quarantine.
I enjoyed all the photos you shared.

Marilyn Miller said...

What a wonderful Halloween! I love everything about it.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I love the way you and your girls celebrate, Sheri! The food, the costumes and the fun is wonderful for all of you. Your grands will have great memories to cherish in the years to come. Love you behind the fan in your lovely dress! Happy November. I can hardly believe how fast time is passing. I'm so glad you are enjoying every moment.

Susan Kane said...

You sure know how to throw a party!! Your little ones (Mia!) are so darn cute.

Billie Jo said...

What a wonderful celebration for you all!
I love everything and appreciate the work and love that went into it.
Have a cozy evening, my friend.
P.S. Such a beautiful photo of you!

Susie said...

Sheri, I loved all those clever ideas. Your girls are so talented...I bet they learned from you. So many pretty girls. Made me smile to know you hade a wonderful time . Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Looks like you had a great time. The grandkids came over after they trick or treated at their other grandparents house and cousins. They had a blast. Then they went home to hand out candy. They had a couple dozen trick or treaters at their house.

The Liberty Belle said...

Oh such a magical and fun time! The decorations, food, and costumes were great! You were lovely in your costume and I hope you will enjoy the memory of the day for years to come.

Rose said...

You girls are just so is always fun to see what you come up with next. I bet the little ones had a blast...

Hena Tayeb said...

That looks like a wonderful party. So creative. Love all the cute spooky touches. The kids must have been so happy.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

SHERI! Good morning sweet soul!

Well, the ladies worked very hard to make a fun experience happen even during this real nightmare of a time we're living in, being separated from crowds of friends and other family.

I LOVE that you wore the Spanish dancing dress and your eyes are beautiful as your lovely fan graces your face.

May this be one of many,many more holiday celebrations that all of you will look back on with a smile.

It's me said...

Great look great!...lovethise cookies !! from me Ria take care stay safe...🍀🎃💕🍀

Pilar said...

What an fantastic time you all had Sheri! I love this! You all are so creative!

Jeanie said...

All the "girls" are adorable here! And I count you in that number with a lovely costume. And who came up with all the ideas? Very clever in every way!

Betty said...

Looks like everyone had fun and those pumpkin cookies look so good.

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Sheri what a lovely celebration. It looks like everyone including the adults had lots of fun. Beautiful Spanish costume. Love the fan. Thanks for letting me catch a glimpse of the party. Have a super day. Hugs!

baili said...

Oh your daughters are SOOO BEAUTIFUL dear Sheri
last image is LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a fun party with family ,everything looks perfect and amazing ,you daughters inherited neatness and creative skills from you so well i can see this in this party display :)
cookies are so compelling indeed , ghosts are adorable haha ,the way you hung them is spooky
little ones dressings made me smile all the time :)))
i am so happy that you managed to have grand wonderful party ,i bet it will last in your memories for eternity :)
hugs and blessings more and more to you and your's!

Carola Bartz said...

What a wonderful idea to make Halloween extra special for the ids in these weird times! I can imagine that the kids loved it and the adults as well. You look great as a Spanish lady.

Mellie said...

Fun memories! Nel's jambalaya looks like a creole jambalaya aka red jambalaya with tomatoes. We actually only make Cajun jambalaya down here which is a brown jambalaya!