Sunday, October 4, 2020

Lady Of The Land

We had a small birthday celebration for Jess this weekend.  It was her 36th, and it was a nice day for all of us.

I haven't been shopping in a long time, so I gave Jess some things I had that I thought she'd like.  One gift was a pair of my earrings - they are Jess' favorite earrings, and she borrows them all the time for special occasions.  Jess loves all things miniature, so I gave her a locket that I've had since I was a little girl.  Inside the locket are miniature Rosary beads.  I'm not sure who gave them to me, or where I got them from, but they sure are special to me and have been with me for a long time.

     Picked her a rose from my rose pot along with a poem...

The lily has a smooth stalk,

Will never hurt your hand;

But the rose upon her brier

Is lady of the land.

There's sweetness in an apple tree,

And profit in the corn;

But lady of all beauty

Is a rose upon a thorn.

When with moss and honey

She tips her bending brier,

And half unfolds her glowing heart,

She sets the world on fire.

~Christina Rosetti

Francesca is almost 3, but she wanted to go in Mia's high chair for awhile, so I put her in there.  We have to keep them small as long as we can, right?

There were Yummy chocolate cupcakes.

Love what this cup says.  What you can't see is the unicorn on the cup saying the words.

    I thought Jess would be amused when I shared this picture of her with the purple wig when she was 16, twenty years ago.  ; )

It was really a nice day with family.



R's Rue said...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Sheri,

It's ALWAYS refreshing to see you on blogging. I just came back from another blog who posts more regularly than most, in fact, out of the very few blogs I follow these days, only three of them post the most, you included.

Coming to you and the other two blogs is like revisiting a very special time in life, like childhood, for example. The sincerity, the care, the beauty you reveal is special.

Louca por porcelana said...

How sweet this post is...Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter!Love her pretty photo with purple"hair"!Especial gifts and adorable Grands!Hugs,dear Sheri. This last weekend I went to my parents house to celebrate my Mom's birthday. So especial to be with them!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Happy Birthday Jess! My son will be 36 next month.(-: Time flies when you are having fun right? My Granddaughter loved her high chair too! Love the gifts and the poem. That is a perfect present!

lian said...

muitas felicidades pelo aniversário de sua filha Jess!
Francesca e Mia são lindas meninas
Felicidades à todos.

Chatty Crone said...

It sounded like a wonderful day! Happy birthday JESS!
What a nice idea about giving her something personal that she liked from you. I am going to think about that when February comes around for my daughter.
Love the rose.
I have never seen coffee made that way - in the cup with it's own grounds. Interesting.
Your daughter looked cute with the purple hair.
And yes I wish I could have my kids back one day when they were young like that.
Love, sandie

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Congratulations to her! Have a nice week;-)

The Liberty Belle said...

Sounds like a nice time was had celebrating a special birthday to honor someone you love. Loved the daying on the cup by the unicorn!

Carla from The River said...

Happy Birthday to your girl Sheri! It always is a treat to spend time with family.
Love, Carla

Sandi said...

Looove the purple wig! Happy birthday!!

Betty said...

It sounds like a beautiful birthday. I hope She has many more just like it.

Patricia said...

Happy Birthday to Jess. Your girls are such a credit to you Sheri. I have never seen tiny Rosary beads in a locket - what a special gift for Jess. She will keep it always. It is lovely to celebrate a birthday with the little ones around, very special.

Jeanie said...

Those are the most precious gifts to cherish. I may be doing the same at Christmas or pieces of art. It's easy to shop online if you know what you want but it's hard to just "shop." What a special occasion -- I'm glad you could be together!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

MY son just had his 36th birthday last week. Happy Birthday to Jess. Our gifts to them don't have to be store-bought - I think what you gave was more meaningful.

Linda O'Connell said...

Thise are the best kinds of gifts. Love that wig!

It's me said...

Owwww...Congratulations with Jess...what a lovely post you maakte for her...and Oww so sweet your from me stay Ria 💕🍀💕

Rose said...

I think those were all gifts that will be treasured for the rest of her life! I cannot believe how big our grands are getting to be. Seems like only yesterday that Francesca was a tiny baby and look at her now....and Mia is not far behind her. And I am sure you have seen our Lorelei...

Yes, we want to keep them little. They grow up all too quick. Are you familiar with that little poem that starts off with:

Cooking and cleaning
Can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up
I've learned to my sorrow....

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Happy Birthday Month to Jess!
I do love that darling photo of her in her wig.
So happy for all of you that you were able to be together. That is the very best gift of all!

Mellie said...

Happy Belated birthday, Jess! Such a cute photo of her in the wig.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Being with family is absolutely the best! It looks like you all had a lovely time.

Marilyn Miller said...

What a lovely way to celebrate. Your gifts were so very thoughtful. The picture when she was 16 is so cute too.

baili said...

Many many happy returns of the day to dear Jess dear Sheri :)

what i love most about your blogging is deep love and affection for family and wisdom that your words carry so beautifully and leave right within my heart ,thank you for sweetest blog :)

haha i saw such wigs only on t.v or photos ,it looks cool on Jess ,i am sure she would have loved your gifts specially locket from your childhood ,i would die to have something that my mother kept safe since she was little wow
you keep things safe and for long my mom was exactly like this

Oh so true about little angles ,i used to think same when my kids were little ,i thought numerous time if they can stay little for ever and hubby would say "let's not think selfishly " :)
Mia and Francesca are so pretty and so cute :)
may Lord keep showering his grace on you and your's always dear friend !