Monday, May 27, 2019

Sheri's Thoughts

I had a dream one night, and I woke up to the word conformity.  Now, I had never heard this word, so I thought I'd research it.  There are different types of conformity, but the one I'm referring to is this....
*yielding to group pressure because a person wants to fit in with the group.
*conforming to the majority, in spite of not really agreeing with them.
*swimming with the stream
*running with the pack
It's definitely not a trait of mine, as I usually go far away from the crowds, and not only speak up when something is unfair, but speak up loudly! haha.  I resist going along with everyone in the group just to fit in, and I'd rather express my beliefs rather than sit back and say nothing.   For having done that, we lose ourselves and the precious truth that is instilled in all of us.  I'm not sure what my dream meant, but I hope I always have the courage to voice my opinion when needed, and I hope I never give into conformity, or just be another person in the crowd nodding their head agreeing with the majority.  I will speak up, even if I'm speaking alone.

Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake.  Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Sandi said...

A lot of wisdom in this!

Karen said...

Thank you for sharing your wisdom. The pale pink roses are a treat for the eyes! Hope you will have a wonderful week.

Laurel Wood said...

Thank you for sharing your wisdom this day. I absolutely love the pink roses. So very delicate.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely roses!

My Shasta Home said...

I have been trying to post a comment, but my webroot security wouldn't let me on to your blog/website. So I reported it and now the alert is off. Crazy!

Beautiful sentiments. Thanks!

Pilar said...

Beautiful words coming from a beautiful person! Sheri I hope you have a wonderful new week! Happy Memorial Day!

Pam said...

Wow....what beautiful soft looking color roses. So pretty. Yep, I sort of do my own speaking up! I do it in a way to not hurt anyones feeling but I do it. If they don't get it then, I have to be a tad bit forceful. Now....keep in mind, that all depends on the mood also. Hit me on a bad day and I am going to tell you LOUDLY how I feel. Matter of fact I had a friend tell another friend just the other night that, "Pam will set you straight"! my friends see that as a good thing or bad I wonder, guess that is a question I need to ask. Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog. I love my photography, I love being out and doing it. That seems to be the only thing that I still seem to be doing lately.....course when I am hired for it that seems to help! haha

Carla from The River said...

Your photos are lovely Sheri!
Your words and thoughts in today's post is right on. We just returned from a lovely small town Memorial Day Service. This wisdom you shared is what makes our nation special. How we have helped so many other peoples of the world, we must not be afraid to do what is right.
xx oo
Thank you for sharing Sheri!!


beautifully said.

Marilyn Miller said...

How fascinating that you would wake with a word such as conformity. First off I am going to say those roses are amazing. They have conformed to what is expected of them. In my Quaker world we have a word consensus, where after some debate and discussion we all agree. I think it is very different from conformity, but in some ways the same. Conformity has a mixed bag; some things I would definitely not like and some would work for me. You have given me something to think on.

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

Thank you for sharing, dear Sheri...
I once heard this saying, "bad things happen when good people do nothing."
How true. Love that quote you shared.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, your dream and post is full of wisdom. I truly believe when we conform to the crowd we are denying how God wants us to be. There is only one of each of us! "To thine own self be true." Shakespeare Love the gorgeous pink roses, my friend.

Louca por porcelana said...

Stunning roses and thoughtful words...Hugs!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Very, very true, Sheri. These wise thoughts become even more a part of us when we grow older, which is another issue all together when it comes to conformity; I myself refuse to give into anyone who belittles me because I'm older than them, not as experienced as them, or DIFFERENT. Yes, we must always speak out on what is unfair. One thing I've also learned is to ACT out on what is unfair. I had a dream once too about all the unfairness that was ever done to me. I had prayed for God to please, please make all those people who ever mistreated me come to apologize. Then as clear as can be, I heard the voice, "That may never happen. But you, you can go out and do the opposite." Since then, that has stayed with me, and it's made all the difference.

Jeanie said...

This is a wonderful post and a very true one. Being true to ones self, even if it means you are not "in with the others" is the most important thing of all! You are a wise woman, my friend. And a darned good photographer. Love your roses!

lian said...

olá amiga Sheri:
concordo com tudo o que você disse.
Eu também sou assim e às vezes fico sozinha.
Sempre tenho a sensação de estar contra a correnteza.

Mas suas maravilhosas Rosas revelam tudo isso com a perfeição Divina !
Mesmo que o mundo seja tão hostil e cruel , elas não se conformam.
Brotam da escuridão e emergem com a perfeição mais bela de todas as formas e exalam seu perfume para alcançar o mais íntimo do nosso ser.
Grande abraço .

It's me said...

What a beautiful roses 💕💕💕 love from me Ria ...always be true to yourself ...Great Words 💕💕💕

Rose said...

Those roses are fabulous....such a beautiful shade of pink. It is good to be able to speak your mind...I really admire people who can and do so. I am not always able to. And then sometimes when I do, I say too much.

Susan said...

Dear Sheri....Love your pink roses and the whole post. I had to chuckle over your not being a conformist. That is me in a nutshell. As a matter of fact, I am a REBEL...ha hahaha. Always have been, probably always will be.
Love your visits to my blog and your sweet comments, too. They often make my day. Thank you for your kindness and warmth. Susan

Emanuela @ My Little Inspirations said...

Very wise and I totally agree with you!

Patricia said...

What absolutely gorgeous pink roses, dear Sheri. They are exquisite. Conformity is an interesting word, isn't it. I think it can be a force for good or bad. While I definitely like to have original ideas and express them, I know there are times when for the comfort and peace of those around me, it is better to be quiet and go along with things. Thank you for an interesting topic, and enjoy the roses.

baili said...

Thank you so much for sharing your wise thoughts dear Sheri !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was different since my childhood in many ways and one of them was that i could not bear the injustice

probably this is the reason that my Lord has always made me stand front of dictators
in early life it was my brother ,than my mother in law for 16 years but they both acknowledged (not front of me) that i was not wrong and i faced them with dare and sensibility

people who stand for RIGHT of others and for themselves are rare

society try to disgrace them because they have dare to challenge it's self made rules
but in the guidance of Creator such people manage to spread some light in darkness of selfishness

i am glad you are one of them dear friend!

thank you for sharing your blooming heart and flowers my fiend :)

Jill said...

So very true, it's what I've brought up teaching to my girls as well to do the right things, be confident and never follow the crowd! These roses are just beautiful! Have a wonderful week!


Bohemian said...

I have never been a Conformist either and I never will be one. I think each individual should not only be True to themselves, but speak their own Truth with confidence and conviction. When too much Conformity happens, who even knows WHO that person is anymore, they may fail to even know themselves!?

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

First of all, dear Sheri, the pink roses are wonderful and your photos of them are gorgeous.
Isn't it interesting that we may wake up with a word, phrase or a sentence echoing in our minds? I have a sheet of paper in my bedside table drawer precisely for those words. :) Sometimes they seem meaningful, other times not.
You introduced a very interesting and important topic that we all should contemplate every now and then.
Have a lovely weekend! xx

Susie said...

Sheri, I have had to learn to use tact...or just be blunt for some . But we can get our views across without upsetting others some times. LOL I like this post and oh the sweet roses....I always imagine you walking among them. Blessing to you, love you, xoxo, Susie

Susie Swanson said...

A lot of truth in this. Thanks for the reminders. Love and Hugs. xo

Louca por porcelana said...

Hi,dear Sheri!Your roses are balm to the soul and feast for the eyes...God bless you.Hugs!

It's me said...

Thanks...but ...i am so glad the line beween you and me works !!!....have a Nice day Sheri ! Ria 🌸🌺💕

Debbie Nolan said...

Wonderful and wise thinking my friend. Seems like in this time and place it is difficult to not conform. Perhaps it always has been (thinking of Bible and the Israelites). To not be truthful though is being a liar to ourselves and others. Loved the quote from Martin Luther King. Have a blessed day!

Dewena said...

Well said, dear Sheri! I hope you can hear me applauding this!