Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Until The Sun Shines Again

You know how the birds migrate south during the cold winter months?  Well, there are a few that stick around and endure the harshest weather that comes their way.

They scrounge up the little food
they can find to survive,
make nests for shelter,
and live out the long cold winter
until the sun shines on
their faces again.
They are the ones I admire,
I appreciate.
They don't fly away from
the fierce weather around them.
They endure,
they persevere.
They don't quit,
they keep going on their way,
they keep flying.

Nature teaches me,
and teaches me,
and with a song of gratitude,
I thank her.


Debby Ray said...

Ahhh...such a lovely post, Sheri. Your photos are so beautiful, capturing these glorious creatures! What type of bird is the blue one? Doesn't look like and that we have around here. We have Eastern bluebirds and blue jays. Have a great week! ♥

Susie said...

Sheri, I love all your bird photos. :) The birds are one of my favorite wild things of nature. They show us their beauty and give us their songs....for a bit of seed. Robins are normally spring birds here...but some times some stay the winter and they eat the tiny little berry sized crabapples. I throw bread crumbs out when there's snow they is an extra treat for the birds that are so into seeds. I have dices apples very small for them also. Blessings for a fun day there. Love you, xoxo, Susie

WE said...

This is simply amazing, isn't it? It's great wonder when we think about all these natural creation

R's Rue said...


DUTA said...

Birds' migration is an interesting topic. The birds that stay in winter probably have their ways of keeping warm and find their food. By not migrating, these birds havea better chance of keepng their territory all year long.
Indeed, their copying with cold weather and not flying away teaches us, human beings,an important lesson in survival and loyalty to our surroundings.

Beautiful pictures!

It's me said...

Love love .....Ria x

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Sheri, what a beautiful post! Your photos are outstanding! So are your lovely thoughts. God takes care of the birds and He takes care of us. Have a wonderful afternoon, my friend. ♥

Jeanie said...

Your birds are so beautiful! I love that little blue one. I've never seen a bird that is blue -- bluebird or otherwise. And I'd love to! Most of those here, apart from robins, cardinals and goldfinches are varying degrees of brown and gray. Oh, we have blue jays, too. These just get my color-happy going!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Love the post and your birds are beautiful. My hummingbirds are still here in full force and letting me know when their feeders are empty. Which reminds me that i have to refill two, they do keep me busy.

Enjoying our rain and more to come starting tomorrow.

Have a wonderful terrific week Sheri.


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Sheri,
Oh how I love this post. Birds are such delicate and happy blessings. You are one fine photographer! Thank you so much for sharing, and also for coming over to leave such a kind note.. Oh, that is still the first piggy, I just wanted to show the finished work.. I am almost done with the 2nd piggy.
Thank Jess for her kind words about the sketch. I am so happy you both enjoyed.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What amazing details! I need to learn more about my camera for close ups. Enjoy your evening my friend. Hugs, Diane

Carla from The River said...

Beautiful photos!! I appreciated the words as well as the photos. I had a few discouraging days. I needed what you shared, they endure, they persevere, they do not quit, they keep going on their way, they keep flying.
Thank you, Sheri, I needed this today.
Love, Carla

Karen said...

Beautiful post. I love the cardinals that stay through the winter here.


I LOVE that blue tinged bird. What kind is it? So sweet. A beautiful sentiment you wrote.

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Sheri,

Beautiful post and I love all your bird photos. We are so lucky to see all this beauty around with nature.
Have a wonderful week dear friend and many thanks for the kind visit to my blog.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU, are a beautiful writer Sheri.

And it's in respecting Nature, giving her out attention, and listening with our hearts that we certainly learn about ourselves. So poetic is this for the metaphor of continuing to fly in ALL weather is exactly what we need to do. We have protection from the cold, but there is another "cold" for which we must watch the wisdom of the birds, and you've stated it here: persevere. Beautifully written.

P.S., I must dash off to school but I'll be back in EMAIL...

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Beautifully written Sheri and when we use the analogy of nature in our everyday living it makes the journey so much sweeter.
We have a glorious and majestic Hawk that has become a resident in our backyard.
We even named him Thor. His perseverance, patience, dignity and watchful eye are constant reminders to me to do the same.
Sending much love this January day,

Pilar said...

This post has such a beautiful message Sheri! I love all of your pictures!

Stephanie said...

My sweet Sheri, this post is definitely a favorite of mine....the photos are astounding! How I love seeing the precious birds and you captured them perfectly. Thank you for sharing with us.

Sending lots of love and sweet hugs your way!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

...and that is the way, we should be as well. Beautiful post.

LoveT. said...

The Images are adorable, great Work! The blue Sky looks like Spring :)

lovely Greetings <3

Michelle B said...

I do agree, we can learn a lot from nature. :) Your photographs are beautiful. I have a hard time getting good, in focus photos of birds...they move too fast for me. :) Have a great day!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a wonderful collection of photographs.
Your birds are so colourful, a real treat to see.

I thought your words were lovely to read too.

All the best Jan

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Walking the Bean said...

Great series! And I LOVE how they all posed for you. Your prose is poetic in nature. Thank you for sharing.