Monday, January 10, 2022

Sheri's Thoughts - Helpfulness

 I was visiting with my brother-in-law one day over a cup of coffee, and we talked about many things.  He had just done something helpful for me, without me asking and just on his own, and when I mentioned it to him, he said, "we are here to help others."  He's right.  You've heard it a dozen times, whether in a phone conversation or in real life when someone asks for help only to be dismissed with a quick and direct, No.  People will complain, make excuses, sigh, to get out of helping others.   It's such a shame to me, as I think we're on this earth not for ourselves, but to help and serve others.  I'm not talking about helping someone when you are unable to, but when we can, it's always a good idea.  I not only think it's our obligation to help others, but I believe it's a privilege when we do.  It's a privilege because when this precious person asked for help, they entrusted us with their care.  I just think we should think twice about not bothering to help someone, as we might need to have that same courtesy extended to us someday.

Now, I'll stop talking, and show you photos of the place I call home, my little neck of the woods.

Remember the Hungry Hungry Hippos game?  It's Mia's favorite game at the moment, and it was so funny to watch her and Nel play it while on zoom. 

Francesca is pretending she's Elsa lately.  At Disney, she was giving the Castle magical ice.  Oh, these girls take me to another place.... of dreams and wishes and magical things.



R's Rue said...

Your home looks so cozy.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's a good thing to think about and ponder how we can help someone TODAY! I have that same Waterhouse painting in my bedroom that you have next to your china cabinet! I love it!

Nellie said...

Happy new week, Sheri! All we need to do is look around us, and we’ll find someone in need of encouragement! You have created a haven where you are!

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

What a wonderful post;-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Francesca is beautiful, and her smile lights up everything around her! Our grands loved Hungry Hippos as well. I still have the game. Your home is beautiful. Love your china cabinet, tea kettle, and beautiful mug. I wish we had a china cabinet, but we don't have a dining room.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I so totally agree with you about helping others! This is what we are here for! We are Deacons at our church, but have not been able to do as much because of Covid. I miss it.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wonderful words, lovely pictures
Helping others is spirit lifting.

Hena Tayeb said...

I agree with you a 100%. If you can you do.

Write from the Heart said...

Ilove the line,"These girls take me to another place... of dreams and wishes and magical things." It so ture and affirming to have little ones among us.
Now I want pancakes.

Billie Jo said...

Yes. Just yes.
And those precious little ones are so sweet! I remember that game. I think we still have it in the cupboard somewhere. The salsa looks delicious! I would love to know what you put in it! Lovely, cozy home, my friend. Hugs from cold and blustery PA!

Rose said...

Your girls are growing up! As is my one and only. I so believe you are right about helping when we can. Actually, it is such a win, win situation. We have had many little kindnesses shown us, and some not so little. But seemed like the little ones were just as awesome as the bigger ones. They came at just the right time.

Your BIL sounds a lot like Roger...he was always willing to do stuff for neighbors...or like the one guy he met at the hardware store...he came home with Roger for Roger to fix a pocketknife for him and they have been friends ever since.

NanaDiana said...

I do try to help others whenever I can. Every day I take my neighbor's newspaper to her because I know it is a burden for her to get it. When we first moved here I realized there were two or three days at a time when she didn't pick it up.for two or three days at a time. I think it is the little kindnesses we show each other that matter-even if they are never acknowledged.

As far as the girls go-enjoy every sweet innocent moment at this time of their lives. It goes by WAY too fast.

So glad your kids are close enough for you to see them. xo Diana

Marilyn Miller said...

Yes, I totally agree. We must help each other when we can for sure.
I love that you have facetime online with your daughters and grand daughters.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Hi Sheri,
I agree. I help whenever I can. Sometimes people won't ask for help directly, but if I see something I can do I will.
I love your home. The kids are so fun at that age. My granddaughter loved Elsa. They grow up way to fast.
Hope you are staying warm!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Dear Sheri, I agree with your sweet thoughts about helping each other. What a wonderful world it would be if we all did that! Your home looks so lovely. And that salsa must be a real winner. The grandgirls are beautiful and the Hungry Hippo game is one that I used to love playing with my own children. Stay warm and cozy!

Chatty Crone said...

I love to see how your girls and grands look and live - they are so sweet.
I also love your home - you have the sweetest most eclectic items - that is how I decorate as well.
I agree too - it would be a wonderful world if everyone helped everyone else.
I love the Hungry Hippo game too.
And your food - you know how to eat right! ♥

Pilar said...

It's so kind when we are able to help others. You're home looks beautiful and cozy!

Sandi said...

Jesus in her heart and coffee in her cup... 💙❤️

Olde Dame Holly said...

What a sweet expression on Francesca's face with Elsa and Anna! I so agree with you about helping others, although I don't enable others, with rare exceptions. Your house is so lovely. Everything seems to glow with beauty and I can see it is all chosen with care. And the food looks DELICIOUS!

Unknown said...

You sound like a good person and I'm willing to bet you don't just say it but you actually help people when you can. More people should be like that. We all should be lie that. It's what God would want. That pancake looks delicious. I hope that's jam in the center. It looks an awful lot like ketchup. But to each his own.

Veronica Lee said...

You have a lovely home.

I absolutely agree with you about helping others.

Beautiful post. Sheri.

Patricia said...

Oh yes, we used to have the Hungry Hippo game - I think they wore themselves out in the end. It is always a treat to see your photos of your pretty house. I really like your glass front cabinet, so elegant. What a darling is Francesca, being Elsa. So special for little girls to enjoy magical ideas of princesses and other heroines. Isn't she a little cutie in her photo!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest Sheri!

Yes, we are here to shine and illuminate others to do the same.

It takes a will to do so, for most. Some of us need to reminded that we are connected and how we treat others is ultimately how we will be treated. What an honor that is!

My Shasta Home said...

I remember the Hungry Hippo game. LOl

Francesca has such beautiful hair. She looks like a little princess.

I agree with what you said about helping and it is sad, that so many look at it as a chore. When the pandemic first broke out in March 2020, my husband would call our elderly neighbors to check in with them and it saddened us, to learn, even their own children were not as attentive.

We're to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Carla from The River said...

LOVED your words today Sheri, you are so right and your brother too.
And I enjoyed your photos. :-) I love your home in the mountains and seeing your family is always fun for me.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Helping others truly is such a privilege, and it makes me feel so good when I can really help someone out. I walked past a neighbor out shoveling her driveway earlier this week. I knew she had recent neck surgery. I went and took the shovel, and let her hold my dogs, and I shoveled for her. She was so upset, she thought she should be able to do it herself, but I told her... you need to learn how to receive. She looked at me in shock. I was happy to do it for her, being much younger, it was no trouble for me. It made me happy. Finally she smiled and accepted my help. Sometimes we have to learn how to receive, as much as give too. I enjoyed your beautiful life pictures... little things that add up to special days and moments! Isn't that what makes life so beautiful! A hot cup of tea, a sweet treat, a cup of hot soup! Bless you sweet friend, enjoy those grandbabies, they sure do grow up fast! Hugs and love from Idaho!

PS: I am doing a fun giveaway on my blog this week :)

Dewena said...

Your granddaughters are precious! Thank God for being able to "see" them even when we can't be with them in person. Your helper words are so typical of you, Sheri, and I know you live them as well as write them. Your post is a good reminder to me. I can't do as much as I used to but for a few years I was responsible for seeing that meals were delivered to our church family when there was a need. I also found it during several times of surgery myself that nothing is more help during recovery for someone to bring a hot home-cooked meal to the door.

I always enjoy seeing pictures of special things dear to you around your home. Stay well, sweet friend!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved these photos, especially the ones of your sweet family. Helping others when we can, it is a happy place to be and brings me peace.

Louca por porcelana said...

Adorable post as ever. I needed it.Made me smile...Hugs,sweet friend.

It's me said...

Love from me Ria ….🍀🙏🍀💕

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Sheri I so agree with you about helping others. This life holds no meaning if we are not giving and sharing with others. Sounds to me like you have a great brother-in-law. Now let's get serious and have one of those delicious pancakes while we think about the fact that Jesus lives in our hearts. Hugs!

Jelena Dimić said...

I'm addicted to scented candles and I would so love to try the one pictured! Also, Disneyland looks magical. <3

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning Sheri and Happy New Year!
I am in agreement with you. I have always considered it a privilege to lend a helping hand and to truly be there for family and friends, as well as strangers.
I really need to make volunteering a priority this year.
I am thankful you have a kindhearted brother-in-law.
May this New Year be a blessing for us all.

roughterrain crane said...

Helping others in any community increases individual and social pleasure. One helps others and is also helped by them. It would be important for us to teach young people how to ask help, because that is a skill to be acquired.

stylefrontier said...

totally love this post and all of your photos as well

wishing you a wonderful year ahead
style frontier


Being kind and helping others is an unexpected blessing indeed. Something we should all volunteer to do because it will give each of us a feel good moment too. The magic of a child's imagination does take us to that place of innocence, where anything is possible and the cold harsh realities of life disappear. Your grands are delightful for sure. Your sweet home in the mountains is inviting. i can smell that soup simmering and feel the warmth of the teacup on my arthritic hands to soothe them. LOVE the beautiful flower on the front too.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Love your thoughts on being helpful, Sheri. It's such a good feeling to know that we are needed and can do something to make someone else feel loved. Love visiting your sweet home. Would love to sit and share some of that yummy soup with you. Isn't it fun to share the magic of childhood again with the little ones? Stay cozy, safe and warm, dear friend. Hugs xo K