Monday, October 11, 2021

Four Sisters Coffee

When I was at the grocery story, I noticed there were bags of Four Sisters Coffee on the shelf.  I thought I'd take it home and try it out.  The French Roast is an intriguing blend of coffees from the regions of Latin America, Indonesia, and East Africa.  I like to try different kinds of coffee, and although Starbuck's is still my favorite, I welcome the change in others.   I made myself a cup of Four Sisters Coffee that morning, and I really liked it.

Although I'm not living in So Cal anymore, my heart is glad that my daughters are still together and are able to spend time with each other and their little ones.

picture taken in New Orleans

Sisters are important, and I had the same experience being near my sister while we were raising our kids.  We still talk on the phone often, and in fact, while I was working on this post, she called to say hello.  Wonderful timing.

These girls are cousins, but they will feel very much like sisters growing up, as they are only a year apart.  ~and the circle of life goes on.  : )

  Me and my sister don't always agree on things, but she listens.  One day many years ago we were talking, and I said something like, "as soon as my life gets back to normal, it will be a sigh of relief," and she responded, "that is life."  What she was saying is that no matter how messy things are at the moment, that is life, and it can be wonderful, joyful, sad, and sometimes messy.  So, as I'm sipping on my Four Sisters Coffee, I'm thinking of my own sister and feeling very thankful I have her.



Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Wonderful writing ;-) I have a younger brother.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh I love that little painting at the end. We love so many of the same things! Enjoy your day!

Thankful for Grace said...

I don't have a sister, but I always wanted one. When I got married, I had hopes that my husband's sister would be like a sister to me. Sadly, that didn't happen. But I have a very dear friend, who also does not have a sister, and we consider ourselves to be more than friends, but sisters.

I have never heard of Four Sisters coffee. But that isn't surprising. I'm not a huge coffee drinker (I'm a tea gal), and my husband roasts his own coffee from raw beans he buys online, so I am rarely perusing the shelves in the coffee aisle.

Patti @ Leaving a Legacy

Chatty Crone said...

A sister post - and three generations have it. I am so glad for you all. There is a lot to say to have a sister.
I didn't have a sister until I was about 25 - my dad remarried and they had a little girl.
Can't say I was thrilled at the time - but now I love her to death - she in in Los Angeles.
I also have some close friends - but I love that you have it!

Olde Dame Holly Rose said...

What a beautiful post! Four Sisters -- and Two Cousins! I think my sisters, being grown, were too much older to form a bond with me. They also couldn't stand one another! But it's a beautiful thing to see, when family ties are true. I love the New Orleans photo. I must have moseyed by the Court of Two Sisters a thousand times when I grew up in The Crescent City, as we called it back then.

Sandi said...

Now I have to make chocolate chip cookies! 😊

Carla from The River said...

A beautiful post Sheri. I have a sister two years younger..we do not always agree on everything as well, but are good friends. I am blessed to have her in my life.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I always wanted a sister; you are so blessed. These cousins look so much alike! Wish I could try this new coffee. I LOVE trying new coffees. But we have a Keurig machine.

Pam said...

I was not blessed with a sister, just an older and younger brother. But being the only girl I did have a room to myself!! I had close friends and close cousins but still not like having a close sis to share with. I am glad your girls have each other and the babe girls are growing up together. My closest cousin lived four hours away so we saw each other maybe twice a yr. But as we became teens we wrote letters all the know, no internet or email...and no cell phones! haha

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dear Sheri,

As I grow older (and hopefully wiser), I'm learning that all the mess IS REAL life. And in all of that chaos, we learn how to be a tall tree in the forest where danger and beauty reside.

You are lucky to have a sister so wise.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such a sweet post on the relationships we share, Sheri. Though I'm not a coffee drinker I'm glad you found one that you enjoy. The photo of your grands sharing a teacup ride is priceless as is the one of your daughters. Sisters are so special. And that picture at the end is darling!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I don't have a sister, but I do have a brother. He says the same things at times. We are both feeling the same now days with things. It is nice to have a sibling even if we don't get along all the time. I am glad you have a sister that you can talk to. It is nice to share the same memories and be able to talk about growing up.
I love coffee, but it doesn't love me. I would love to try that it looks good.

Billie Jo said...

Lovely, my friend. I have four sisters and am very close to one. My sister Margie and I are a little over two years apart and have been best friends all our lives. Your coffee sounds good! I love trying new coffee. Have a cozy evening!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely post! I love the painting at the end. It's nice to read of your family and the close relationships you share. Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

Ben A. said...

Sweet post! I have three sisters :)

Abdel | Infinitely Posh.

Marilyn Miller said...

How very special to have a sister you enjoy visiting with.
My sister and I are not close. I was closer to my half sister, but she passed away a year ago. I do have a cousin I am very close to and she feels like that sister.

Nellie said...

You have great experiences with your sister that you are able to recall with fondness. Our three daughters don’t live near one another; however, they work time together into their schedule. Such a good time for them!

Veronica Lee said...

Beautiful post, Sheri.

I have two sisters - one estranged and the other very close to me though we didn't get along when we were kids.

Love that picture at the end.

Sakuranko said...

Oh very nice post darling

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

A sweet post, Sheri, and love the little painting at the end. Always love seeing your precious photos, too. It's wonderful that you have a sister in your life and that your daughter's are close with each other, too. I will have to look for the coffee - I am a coffee lover, too. Hugs xo K

Ann said...

Love looking at your pics ♥
I do not have a sister but my brother is so close to me
although we live quite far from each other we usually
call each other everyday and yes our usual topic
is how to raise our kids. He has a daughter and I have a boy,
so much to share and talk about everyday.

I know you are more calm and peaceful regarding your girls
living close to each other.

Have a great weekend.


Carola Bartz said...

Yes, you don't always have to agree with each other, but you still love each other. That's so important.

Louca por porcelana said...

Sweet post,dear Sheri. I have a sister and she is a blessing,my best friend. We both have a friend who is like a sister for us. I am grateful for them. God is good.

Carolina G. Ticala said...

! 🍁🍁🍁 Have a great week my dear!

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri such a lovely touching post. I think your sister and you look so good together in the photo. I don't have a sister but I have the best brother. I can always count on him no matter what is happening in his life. Isn't God so good to give us siblings!! Enjoy your coffee...perfect name for a perfect post. Hugs!

Rose said...

My sisters were all older than me...the one closest to me was probably 12-13 years older. She was sort of the family favorite and has been gone too long. I am the youngest of 8 and 3 brothers came right before me, and I do not know how would ever handle life without knowing they are in this world.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I love this post. I am so happy you have a sister you can talk with. I Lost my big sis in 2001 and have another sister but she chose politics over phamily so I pray and let it go. I do have two older brothers too and often get to talk with them. :-) I Like that coffee brand, it sounds so comforting. Your post was just perfect thank you for the smiles.

Pilar said...

This is such an endearing post Sheri and that last photo is too cute!

Jeanie said...

I love your drawing of the sisters. I have no sibling, though like your littles, I am very close to one family of cousins, especially. We grew up together every summer from teen years till the end of college and we're still close. I love the name of the coffee and I'm glad it was delicious!