Monday, March 15, 2021

Kitchen Window

You know, I've never had kitchen windows in most of the houses I've lived in.  I had big windows in the rooms next to the kitchen, but not a window in the kitchen to look out and see all the interesting things that are going on throughout the days.

  ~I see the mailboxes that are on the side of my house, and they are directly in front of me looking out my kitchen window.  I see the mail carrier deliver the mail, mostly around midday.  Her job is so important, and she does it well.

  ~I see my neighbor, J, on his front porch getting a breath of fresh air.  He seems to know all the neighbors and everything that's going on in the neighborhood.  When I first moved here, he called from a distance and told me that my tail light was out, and where to go to get it fixed.  He gave us one of his snow shovels and told us he had another so keep it.

~I see my neighbor, V, sitting outside on her bench in the freezing cold, taking a cigarette break.  I call out to her, "I'll come over and sit on your bench and visit with you when this is all over."  She smiles, exchanging a few words.

~I see the yellow school bus slowly drive by early while I make my morning coffee.  I feel so bad for those kids having to go to school right now.  My heart breaks for them.  All the rules and restrictions - it must be a scary time for them.

~I see wolfdog roaming around and being mischievous.  I call him that because he looks like a wolf, but really he's just a neighbor's dog.  I think he's part German Shepherd.  The neighbor saw him near my car door one day, which I left open for a few moments after getting groceries.

~I see the Painter's truck coming into my driveway, and I am relieved that he's almost finished with the work inside.  And I am grateful for all the work that's been done.

~I see my neighbor, L, getting the mail.  She's wearing a white down coat, the exact same one I've been wanting.  I want to call out to her, "where'd you get your coat?" but something distracts me in the house, and so I don't.

~I see that pesky squirrel on my white fence.  This time I do go outside and shoooo him away.  Oh, when will I ever get used to this peculiar looking critter?  Someone reminded me this week that they have been here far longer than I have.  ; )   

And as I'm baking my chocolate chip cookies, I look outside my kitchen window and see many intriguing things, and am so thankful I have one now.

  This one came out in the shape of a heart.

Tell me, do you have a kitchen window too?



CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I have always had a kitchen window. I love mine as it is filled with plants. I can still see out, but it is also nice inside. I am glad you also have one. They are important!(-: We spend so much time in the kitchen it is nice to be able to see outside too(-: Your cookies look yummy!

R's Rue said...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Sheri, I love EVERYTHING you post but this post is the most beautiful I think I've ever read. It's a poem. A poem of gratitude, of awareness, of being present in the moment and being honest; how you feel about squirrels (LOL) to the almost non-sequiter from talking about what you see outside the window to baking's powerful, it's brilliant.Then you end with the beginning. What you see outside your window. Amazing.

Billie Jo said...


What a lovely, cozy, thoughtful post this morning! It made me pause and think about what I may be missing as I scurry around my days. I do have a kitchen window in this house, the first in a very long time. It looks out onto the lake, and I enjoy seeing the boats go by in the summer months. Thank you for the beautiful welcome to my day!

Pilar said...

What a wonderful post to begin the week Sheri! It sounds like you're enjoying having a kitchen window. Have a wonderful week ny friend:)

Martha said...

I love everything about this post, just beautiful! I do have a kitchen window but it's in a weird spot near my kitchen table and the only thing I have a view of is my front yard and the neighbors hedges across the street. I love my little home but all the windows are in odd places. Have a fantastic week Sheri!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your window view of life is inspirational, and sounds neighborly comforting.

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Sheri and happy Monday. What fun to read what is going on outside your window! Currently I do not have a kitchen window over my sink but where I am moving to, I will. It sounds like you have nice neighbors. So kind of the one guy to tell you about your light out on your car and where to have it repaired. You talking about the neighbor lady’s down coat reminded me.....when I was 20, my dad had to fly to Germany on business at Christmas, due to mothers limited sight, I went along to assist her. We knew it would be soooo cold compared to Georgia weather. I think we found the only two down coats in Georgia and they just happened to be identical. We really got the looks in Germany with our twin coats and southern accents! Your squirrels sound pesky. I grew up with them in my yard and I am used to them. I have really enjoyed having a blue bird house in the yard. Last year, three families were hatched! Your cookies look delicious. Have a blessed afternoon,

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Those are some tasty looking cookies.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Sheri,
What an enjoyable read! I love that you have a view now from your kitchen window. I like to watch the birds out my kitchen window, and the occasional bunny. Yesterday I had a visitor that I had never seen before. A huge black furry cat that was much larger than my little Zoe! He sauntered across the yard and quietly walked away.

I sure could go for one of your cookies right now. They look delicious..
Enjoy your week, and stay safe.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Thank you for sharing what you see out your kitchen window, Sheri. I love my kitchen window. Mine is above my sink and I love watching the birds eating at the feeder as I wash the pans. Your chocolate chip cookies look yummy. It sounds like you have lovely neighbors. I'm happy for you!

Olde Dame Holly said...

Your son found the most perfect place for you! How wonderful to have good neighbors. The kitchen window in my new place just looks out a few feet at the neighbor's house side. Maybe I'll put up a feeder so that there is something there to look at, but the kitchen opens up onto a large room with three glass sides, so maybe I will just do my nature watching from there.

Nellie said...

There is a window, though it’s in the breakfast nook, not exactly in the kitchen, per se. I loved reading what you see out your window. We’re able to watch the birds at the feeder from our seat at the table in the breakfast nook.

Jeanie said...

What a wonderful post, Sheri. And I do so like hearing about your window on the world. I'm sure you are eager for things to ease so you can better meet up with your new neighbors. I do have a small kitchen window, which mostly shows my neighbor's house and a bit of the street. Still, it's nice to look out -- and have the extra light!

Linda O'Connell said...

Sheri, what a wonderful, neighborly post. We have a fallow farm field across from our home. It was a truck farm owned by two elderly farmers. Neighbors and motorists honked and waved to them all day long when they were alive. that made me happy.

My Shasta Home said...

Loved your post. I love kitchen windows too. I wouldn't even buy a house if it didn't have a window over the sink. I have a garden window in my house now - mostly for Susie my cat. That's where she eats and watches the hummingbirds eat.

Susan Kane said...

Thank you.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such a lovely view, Sherri. So nice to see all the new friends and neighbors in your new world. I have a kitchen window, but not much goes on here. I see the birds and a little black squirrel - occasionally a deer or rabbit. It's nice to know that you have people close by to watch over you and even a neighborhood watch dog! Such a charming description of all that goes on outside your kitchen window. Sending hugs xo Karen

Patricia said...

I do have a kitchen window Sheri, and it looks down into our jungle of a garden and over the fence to see our neighbour come and go. We often share a quick chat over the fence. In fact I have had a kitchen window in four homes we have shared in the past 50 years, and I really can't imagine being without it. I notice modern units here seem to not have them, and the kitchen faces the living area which then has the glass doors to the outside. What a lovely post with all the comings and goings of your new neighbourhood. It sounds safe and friendly. Have a good week.

Susan said...

Hi Sheri....I'm so glad you have a kitchen window through which you will have great fun viewing the world! Sweet post, as always. Susan p.s. Thanks for all the visits and comments, too. LOVE it when you visit.

Carla from The River said...

Hi Sheri,
Your post was so sweet, I enjoyed it.
I do have a window at my kitchen sink. I am so thankful I do. When doing the washing up I look out. We have a small flower garden and a bird feeder for me to look at out the window.

It's me said...

Yes ! ....nice beautiful Ria 🍀🙏🍀

Chatty Crone said...

I have never had a kitchen window exactly - the other side of my kitchen has one - but we cook on one side of the kitchen - there is an island - and then our table - then our window. We can see out when we eat.
Anyhow I love how you wrote about all you see out your window. Seems beautiful there.

Marilyn Miller said...

I can't even imagine not having a kitchen window. We even have to open the curtains in the morning so we can see out to the sidewalk and see what is happening nearby. I love what you see out your window now. What a delight!

Pam said...

I do have a window, I actually have two. I have one over the sink that looks out into the backyard. The other one is lower, perfect with a table sitting there and you can look out and see the road that comes down beside the house. I live on a corner so I have a road in front and the side. Right now I have a beautiful view of a Bradford Pear in full bloom. Sounds like you really enjoy your window and your neighbors. Love it..

Rose said...

Oh, Sheri, I so love this post. I have a window in my door in the kitchen and that is it. I so would love to have a house where I had a window over my sink. Sounds like you have some wonderful neighbors. That is good. We have some good neighbors but have just as many that just are not friendly. I miss knowing all my neighbors and being friendly.

Dewena said...

Sheri, I am so thankful that you have a kitchen window now! You write about it so eloquently and that's probably because what you've written is so heartfelt and oh so well deserved. I could really see each of these things you saw from your window and recognize how special the experience was for you. It just made me plain ole happy to read it. I hope you will continue to tell us about the view from your window, please!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Thank you so much Sheri for your most welcome visit and kind thoughts.
It is very interesting to me that you find a little of yourself in my drawings. How so?
I hope this note finds you well. Enjoy your weekend.
blessings dear friend

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri there seems to be a lot happening out your kitchen window. I have lived in my home for 42 years and have a kitchen window. Living in the middle of nowhere I only see chipmunks, sqirrels, birds and various four legged creatures. Get concerned if I see a two legged one unless it is hubby:)! Have a blessed weekend. Hugs!

Hena Tayeb said...

I do have a kitchen looks out into my backyard and makes it so much easier to keep an eye on the boys when they play.
Looks like you have a wonderful set of neighbors.

baili said...

this is incredible how a window can inspire one to write such a lovely post dear Sheri :)

i loved learning each view you could see through your kitchen window and i enjoyed as i was around as you told everything amazingly !

we are living in this house since 15 years or more now ,yes i have kitchen window thankfully and i can see my front yard and garden which makes me feel good .

more blessings to you and loved ones!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Sheri
How very sweet of you to respond to my question, and how interesting.
Thank you so much, dear friend. Enjoy your weekend. It looks as if we are going to have a beautiful day, and the birds are singing.