Monday, June 22, 2020

June Gloom

Here in So Cal, we have overcast skies with cool temperatures the month of June.  It is called June Gloom.  It usually clears up in the afternoon, and the skies are sunny again.  Not sure why this happens, we have just always heard that it was caused by low altitude clouds that carry cold ocean water over the land around this time of year.  But whatever the reason, it is a real thing here.  Here are some pictures of the June Gloom days. 
There is a house on the main street that has these vibrant pink flowers covering it.  I think they're azaleas, and it looks quite lovely.

My kitchen has a lot of light, and it's the room with the most sunshine coming through, which is nice since that is the place where I spend most of my time making goodies.
Outside my bedroom window.
On these overcast days, it's a good time
to write in my journal.
Now, I've seen blue hydrangeas before, but Nel has a big bush of purple hydrangeas in her front yard.  They look so pretty against her green house.
She sometimes picks the flowers from the bush and puts them in vases around the house. 
I love this decorative bottle in her bathroom. 
She got it from Michaels, and I want one!
This picture of Francesca makes my heart sing.  Do you know she's 2 and a half already?
Well, these June Gloom days are almost over,
and we'll now have two more months of hot summer days.

Fireworks have been going off already in my town at night.  It's really LOUD!  And annoying!
  I must be getting old.  ; )



CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

We are going to roast up here. Suppose to be 110-112 degrees )-: I think where you are sounds much nicer(-: I don't like the loud firecracker sounds either. I don't even really like watching the fireworks anymore, but my daughter lives close so we go over to her house to watch every year. My kitchen gets the most sunlight too it is where all my house plants do the best.

Pam said...

Hey there! Love the Hydrangeas. My fave flower and my fave color. Hoping you have settled in well in your new place. Me...going to take six months to get things in the right place and put away, body permitting that is. There are times like this I just have to be on the deck and say what the heck! I have started setting little goals for myself for a day. Seems that might be the only way I will get things done. We had some amazing weather last week from the storm coming up from Florida. No humidity and temps in the 70s and low 80s. Not normal in mid June but I loved it and enjoyed it as much as I could. Wishing I had a beach around...haha. Two and 1/2, wow, they grow so fast. Everleigh will be a yr next month. She is doing so well in over coming her issues. Take care.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely flowers;-)

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you have moved and are settled. Those fabulous hydranges and that wonderful azalea bush are sights for the eyes. And I love your Kelly Rae journal. Her art is just lovely. What a fun post, Sheri. Begone, gloom! (People have been complaining about fireworks here, too -- and we have an ordinance that no one seems to be attending to. I'm not fond of them. Lizzie HATES them!)

Carla from The River said...

I enjoyed your photos.
Fireworks are going off here too. I am not a fan as well. I understand how you feel. Take Care my friend.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My comment got eaten up!

Susie said...

Sheri, Where is the time going? Francesca is so adorable. I loved all the flowers. Your journal is so cute too. That is what I should be doing writing in journals, because writing seems to relax me. Blessings to you sweet friend, xoxo,love, Susie

Laurel Wood said...

Such a lovely and cheerful kitchen. You always make the best looking treats! We drink this same brand of tea! Your flower pics are gorgeous. I love to see a couple of blossoms in vases around the house. Francesca has grown so much and is so sweet. Blessings to you this week.

ALLIE NYC said...

Ah yes I lived in Seattle for a decade and June is very similar there. And speaking of Seattle when my friends and I noticed how quite it was leading up to the fourth, no one shooting off fireworks. Only had them the day of and mostly professional. Moved back to NY and it was like oh yeah this starts a month before the fourth and goes on every night all night...

Allie of

Hena Tayeb said...

So many beautiful flowers!

Dewena said...

I had never heard of June Gloom but I would think it might be welcome in a place that is sunny so much of the time. Nel's purple hydrangeas are gorgeous! As are the pink azaleas you photographed. What a doll little Francesca is! Isn't it wonderful being so near her. How I wish my little granddaughters were nearer than three hours away.

I dread the neighborhood fireworks too but not at much as when we had our darling corgi who was terrified of them. They don't seem to faze our dachshunds.

Marilyn Miller said...

Glad the gloom is gone now. Oh the thing I always remember about the area you are in are the Santa Ana winds in the summer. I hope you don't have those and can stay cool. The hydrangeas are amazing. I keep wanting to go to Michael's, but just not ready to go out that much yet. It is amazing how your little grand daughters are growing so quickly. It happens in a blink of the eye. My little guy is almost 8 now, which shocks me. Take care~

Chatty Crone said...

So do you like hot weather? That is where we are different. Summer is not my favorite season - it is my least favorite. I think I would like June Gloom. lol
Francesca is beautiful!
Maybe all those gorgeous flowers need the over cast skies for their growing season - they are so big and beautiful.
Love your journal.
So are you all settled - your house seems lovely!

Rose said...

So hard to believe Francesca is that old. Where does the time go? I love the hydrangea...I have never had one. And as much as I like them, I do't know why.

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Sheri I didn't know about June gloom. I am such an outdoor person that even on gloomy days I go outdoors. In Ohio much of our year is overcast. Sunshine is such a welcome sight. Generally our summer brings that much needed vitamin D :)! Love your kitchen and that cake looks superb. Have a great day. Hugs!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so glad you have a bright kitchen in your new home, Sheri. It looks like you make some great goodies there. When it's gloomy I'm sure you enjoy working there. The hydrangeas are gorgeous at Nels! And those blooms on that house are breathtakingly beautiful. Francesca is a little doll tending to the plant! Her hair is so sweet--so darling.

Louca por porcelana said...

Stunning flowers!Those pink ones in the first photo look like bougainvilleas,also called "Spring" here...Francesca is so adorable!I have a sunny kitchen too and I like it.Hugs and blessings!

Pilar said...

Even with June Gloom, you share such beautiful photos Sheri! Those flowers are gorgeous! I love to look at flowers during the Spring and Summer. Have a wonderful week!

roughterrain crane said...

Purple ones are beautiful. They would change colors after rains.

Betty said...

I enjoyed your pictures and never heard of June Gloom. WOW.

nonie everythingsewing said...

Fireworks already? That would annoy me too. I am so in love with hydrogenous, I planted five bushes, so I would have plenty for picking. Now, with the heat it will be a battle to keep them wet and happy.

Love your kitchen, it looks user friendly.

Himawan Sant said...

Wow, I'm amazed by the azalea and hydrangea flowers ... how fertile they are, Sheri.

Your little girl Francesca is adorable ... she seems to like gardening as much as you do.
Have a good day, Sheri.

Sonia said...

Lovely post and lovely flowers! The colors are so good that June gloom will be transformed into June Bloom! Your princess is looking adorable watering the plants! Have a great summer!

lian said...

é um maravilhoso lugar !
gostei muito de sua cozinha, e tantas coisas maravilhosas que você faz.
as flores são lindas.
a hortensia e o hibisco.
grande abraço.

It's me said...

Here in holland it is very hot this week...I mean too hot.....o my...tomorrow I have been to the water site to let leaf I am sitting in the shadow outside with her enjoying the the blue hydrangea! and Francesca is too Ria 💕🍀💕

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I grew up in San Francisco and the summer months are always gloomy due to fog. Then we moved down the coast to Pacifica - we had a "gloom" June there as well. The fog would be gone by the afternoon to sunshine.

I miss it. It's been HOT here - today 110, tomorrow 111.

Bring on the "June Gloom!"

the photos are gorgeous!

16 blessings'mom said...

Those flowers though, wow! My son lives in California, Walnut Creek. I went to visit him in March, it was still winter here in NY, but so lovely there already. I've been there in the summer when it was 107 degrees, unheard of here. When it hits 90, we're frying, but we do have a healthy dose of humidity.

Ann said...

Your flower pics are amazing, and the first one is just awesome.
I can see you are now enjoying you new place, hope there will
be lots of lovely moments you will spend there and sweet memories
with your family too. Oh, your grandkids are getting adorable everyday.

Have a nice day Sheri ♥♥♥


Laura. M said...

Variada y preciosa entrada. Me encantan las hortensias.
Buen fin de semana. Cuídate.
Un abrazo.

Carola Bartz said...

The photo of Francesca is darling! I love how she waters the plants. I think that's a bougainvillea in the photo - stunning plants and great for your climate down there. Some people up here speak about June Gloom as well, but we didn't have many days like that this June. I actually like those gloomy days, it takes away the heat at least for part of the day. Our "gloom" is just the coastal fog and it sometimes takes longer to burn off, sometimes it doesn't make an appearance at all. This June has had a lot of hot days.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You have a lovely kitchen, so nice that it's bright and light. My kitchen faces northwest, so we don't get sun until late in the day, so it's kind of gloomy until then. Growing up, our farm kitchen faced east and I always loved the early morning to mid-day sunshine that streamed in. It was a lovely inviting room to be in.

Loved all the flower photos -- you have some great shots!

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,

baili said...

this is delightful post dear Sheri

how nice to have cloudy sky during June :) can you send me bit of it :)?

here some cities are receiving rains once but it have been months that we did not had any ,still grateful for airy summers

Oh Francesca is growing fast by the grace of Lord ,she is absolutely joy to look at :)))

abundance of flowers in your neighborhood gives spectacular view indeed

i loved flowers inside the house of Nel :) purple is stunning color ,vase is pretty and food is appealing

it is amazing how with age our attitude towards things changes slowly i agree
wishing you all the happiness my friend!

Justcherry said...

wouw beautiful purple hydrangeas that grow thick. Here we call it hortensia flowers. Beautiful blooming flowers make
summer looks even fresher and ... cheerful

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Sheri, I am catching up with you here. I can certainly relate to the June Gloom, it must be a west-coast thing. When the sun finally comes out, I end up wilting :) Love the beautiful flowers and that sweet little one learning to care for them, like her Mama and Grandma. Sending hugs xo K