Monday, June 8, 2020

Greek Night At Nel's

I wasn't able to carry on my tradition this year
and attend the Greek festival up north,
so I was so delighted when Nel said that she was going to make my favorite Greek dish, Pastitsio, and have us come over one night for dinner.   She prepared it with macaroni, ground beef and lamb, cheese, and a béchamel sauce.  And the ingredients that tell you it's Pastitsio is the cinnamon and nutmeg.  It turned out delicious. 
She also made salads for everyone and iced tea.
Nel's decorating is different than mine, but she has her own style, and much of it reflects the things she loves....old things that have been with her since she was small, travel, books, and more books!  This is the globe I bought her several years ago.  It looks so nice next to her reading chair.
I think she has books in every room of her house.  Here is the frog from the Disney movie, "Princess and the Frog," which is one of Mia's favorites to watch.
Every now and then, I'll notice something around her house and smile, as it brings back a memory for me too.  In Mia's room, some of Nel's old dolls and animals from her childhood.

Remember my Greek doll that I misplaced?  Well, I was glad that I found it during the move.  Now, she is safely with the other heritage dolls waiting for grandchildren to play with them.

Both of my daughters have become good cooks, and always seem to experiment in the kitchen.
It is sometimes fun to celebrate one's heritage, to honor our ancestors who lived and worked and played and sacrificed to bring a better life for our children.

It was a fun night, 
and the food was Yummy.
Thanks Nel.



R's Rue said...

Wow. Can I come for dinner.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

That was so nice of her. I bet it was yummy. It is nice to keep things and enjoy them through the years. Not many people do that anymore. Most stuff is tossed. I enjoy all my antiques and things I grew up with. Glad you found your dolls.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful! It makes you feel so blessed to have 'kids' and grandkids that are such a joy. Love seeing the dolls and books. Enjoy your day sweet friend.

Terra said...

What fun to have a Greek night at your daughter's home. I too enjoy attending one or two Greek festivals each year, of course this year may be different. I have books in most rooms in my house too, and love that C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia set, fun reading ahead for that cute child.

It's me said...

That sound good....the food looks fr9m me Ria 💕🍀💕

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Delicious looking food.

Laurel Wood said...

Sounds like a delightful get together and the food looks/sounds delicious. I love the pictures.

Pilar said...

That's sounds like a fun Greek Night at Nel's I'm glad you found your doll Sheri!

Hena Tayeb said...

Sorry you had to miss the Greek festival. Looks like some yummy food.

Billie Jo said...

Sorry, you missed the festival, but it looks like the meal was amazing! Have a cozy evening, my friend.

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe they will have a Greek Festival where you live now. Are you Greek? I have never heard of Pastitsio but it looked delicious.
It is nice each girl has their own style of decorating. Looks like Nel really appreciates books and all her items from childhood - they were good memories.
And both girls like to cook.
Nel and Mia are beautiful like their mom.

Susie said...

Sheri, Those girls are beautiful. Take after you. :) It's fun to see what everyone is cooking. It sure looks yummy. Seeing Nel's dolls in her daughter's room would make you smile. I bet you remember each one . Blessings to all of you, please stay safe, xoxo, love, Susie

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How sweet of your daughter to make you such a special meal! It is fun to see how our children take bits and pieces of us, but become their own unique person too. Sweet picture of Nel and Mia! Many blessings :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Your daughter and granddaughter look so much alike. I've not heard of Pastitsio - but it sure looks tasty.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

How lovely of Nel to prepare a Greek meal and celebrate your heritage, Sheri. It sure looks delicious! I love the large globe you gave Nel--it's beautiful. And all the darling dolls! Love you found yours. Nel and Mia are both beautiful. They take after their mother and grandmother!

Louca por porcelana said...

What precious time with your adorable and beautiful girls!Pretty dolls and delicious food.Best wishes,sweet Sheri!Hugs!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Sheri, your daughter and her daughter are just stunning. What a marvelous heritage of memories and food, gatherings and traditions! I am so glad you got a chance to go visit with them and have a delicious family dinner.

I hope you are well? We are in full-swing summer mode here; spring is still lingering with the most gorgeous of blooms but summer is pushing its way through with very hot and humid days but I'm enjoying most of this time on my deck. My roses are in bloom!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That looks wonderful and sounds delicious! I just might make that soon. Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

baili said...

what a treat dear Sheri
Nel sounds such a great cook as this dish looks absolutely appealing :)

sorry that you could not attend you favorite festival this year

i loved peaking through her stuff ,the glob is just absorbing
oh these dolls are breathtaking :))) can i have one please :)
how nice to find one you thought you had lost
i think this is such a pleasure to be able to pass out your own dolls or toys to your children

Mia and Nel look so lovely !
more blessings to you and your's my friend!

nonie everythingsewing said...

What a wonderful post. I love learning of peoples heritage and so happy you shared with us.


Carla from The River said...

Your family is so special Sheri, I love the relationship you have with your girls and son. I pray to have that kind as my boys grow older and marry too.
Love, Carla

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri this looks like a delicious dish. I had never heard of this Greek recipes. Your daughter and Mia look lovely. Hope you are getting settled into your new home. Take care friend. Hugs!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful girls. I don't know anything about Greek cooking, and I don't think I have ever tasted anything. What fun! Have a good weekend!

Pam said...

Bet you had a great time and I am so interested in making that dish. Thinking however I would leave lamb out. Can't say I ever ate lamb. My mom and I had diff taste and she thought mine was way out there..haha

Rose said...

How nice it is for you to live close to your family...the food looks delicious. I always look to see what books people have, or if they have any. I always think it so strange to go into a house that has no books.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love that dish as well. How nice that your friend made some! I have books in every room of my house as well. Mostly old hardcovers...some belonged to my father and some I just really love.

Marilyn Miller said...

The Greek meal looks delicious! Sad so many events have been canceled this year, but also glad for every one to be safe. Take care.