Monday, January 13, 2020

January, Brrrrr

We have been having some foggy days and some rain.  I always love a foggy day - some people think they are gloomy, but I find them beautiful.  It's like looking out in the distance and not knowing what's beyond.  The only scary thing is driving in it.  And as always, after a good rain, the clouds look amazing to me.  I've been baking brownies and warm treats on these cold January days.  The turkeys roam our neighborhoods.  They are like friends to us.   Never harm or make a fuss, and we enjoy their company.  I bought a large pizza to ring in the new year, and it's the best pizza in town, kind of expensive though.  When I pick up my pizza, I love to see all the art murals in the downtown area.  The one good thing about the January brrrrr is that the cousins got to enjoy some time in the snow.  Nel is actually not too far from the snow line in So Cal, and they spent one day at the ocean, and one day playing in the snow.  I like to treat myself in the new year with a special gift, and found a pretty pink heart at the country store while taking a long drive.   Since we are entering 2020, Nel and Jess had a little 20's party and even dressed up.  I hope the new year is being kind to you.   Have I told you lately that you mean a lot to me?



CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Your pictures are wonderful. I heard many folks had 20's parties to ring in the new year. That would be fun! We love our turkeys here too. They are like pets. They disappear during the winter months but return in the spring again. We have no idea why they leave or where they go. I love your heart! That is adorable!

Karen said...

I enjoyed your photos today! The girls look like they are having a great time, Stay warm and cozy!

Susie said...

Sheri, I love the picture of the church. I like foggy days if people don't have to go driving in it. :) Your girls are all adorable. So pretty. Glad your new year is starting off nicely. Blessings to all, xoxo, love you sweet girl, Susie

Chatty Crone said...

I am one that likes sunny days - it just makes me feel happy. I don't mind foggy days they are just not my favorite.
You like to bake a lot - brownies are my favorite - how do you not gain weight??????? And pizza's too.
We had one wild turkey come to are neighborhood a couple years ago.
Your heart is pretty like yours.
I love the photos of the clear rainy night - especially the one with the church - so pretty.
Was that a door with the man laying on it with the flowers - I have never seen that before.
I visited California - we went to Big Bear and was in the snow and came down and put on shorts. That is so neat there.
I loved the girls going into the 20's and dressing up - how cute and they were all beautiful!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a happy post for ringing in the new year. I love that heart! May 2020 be a wonderful year for you and your family. ~ FlowerLady

It's me said...

Nice to see your daughters and grandchildren...may 2020 Will be the best year ever ...for you and your familly....and me love love 💕💕💕Ria

Louca por porcelana said...

Your girls are just adorable and that pink heart is very pretty!Gorgeous pictures!Today is a cloudy and rainy day but too hot yet,at about 86°F. Last week the temperature was above 96°F,tooooo hot. Hugs!

Sakuranko said...

Oh so cute photos darling

Holly said...

Many blessings for this New Year. Thank you for the kind words on my blog. Foggy mornings make me reminiscent of San Francisco.

Dewena said...

Those darling cousins! And where is that cool door from? Gotta be a story there. Your pink heart with the sweet little crown at the top is lovely! So glad you found it and treated yourself. The pictures from your January drives are beautiful, as always. We love to have the turkeys visit our yard too!

Pilar said...

Beautiful pictures Sheri! It looks like your new year is off to a great start!

ALLIE NYC said...

Oh wow this is Southern California not what I pictured. Snow and bushes and trees with leaves! I remember really thick fog when I lived in Seattle and walking home from work. It gets foggy here too sometimes. Love these photos!

Allie of

Rose said...

I love hat heart...great shot of all your girls! I think fog is like improves any photo.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, I love your foggy photos! The one with the stone wall is suitable for framing. Your daughters and granddaughters are darling. Love the snow pictures. And your daughters dressed for the roaring 20s is brilliant. Happy New Year, Sheri. I hope this is a wonderful year for you and your family.

baili said...

Your daughter look enchantingly beautiful dear Sheri :))) how lovely to celebrate new year in such simple yet so elegantly and enthusiastically :)

your granddaughters are growing fast :) they look twins at first sight :) my heart keep praying for you and your precious family my friend!

brownies look compelling ,having such delights close by in cold indoor days makes one full and grateful indeed

heart you picked is splendid Sheri !

i used to see lot in fog back in my village ,was so perfect for my crazy imagination .i too find it mysteriously fascinating :)

blessings to your days ahead my dear friend!


i love the fog too. something mysterious about it. what lies beyond it is always intriguing. your photos capture the mood. love your little grandbabies. so sweet. and getting dressed up for a roaring 20's party is so neat. your daughters are beautiful. you mean the world to me too. i love your posts. always so uplifting and calming in this world of never ending drama and calamity.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest Sheri!

First of all like you, I LOVE GLOOMY DAYS and the odd thing is that they make me happy. They also make for some intriguing photography!

Second, I love the idea of dressing up like the 20s; we are Downton Abbey fans and we've seen all six seasons and also just recently, the movie. Not only do we love the characters, but the setting and costumes are dreamy.

You also mean so much to ME.

Debbie Nolan said...

Sheri - love your photos of the fog. Amazing how well you captured that feeling. I am like you - enjoy that misty look. Generally if we have a foggy morning the day is delightfully sunny once it burns off. Your two granddaughters look special in their roaring 20's outfits. P.S. You mean a lot to me too. Hugs!

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

It's fun to see turkeys,-))

Jeanie said...

What beautiful, moody photos. They really get the feeling of the weather. And I love your new necklace. That's so pretty! Love every photo. What cuties you have. (And cool turkeys, too!)

Patricia said...

Sheri, your rainy, foggy pictures are wonderful. It is hard to photograph rain! I did not know you had wild turkeys - we have them too. They sometimes appear in our garden. The little cousins are darling, enjoying the snow. It must be a magical time for them. Have a good week!

Mellie said...

It's fog season here too and I don't like it. I can agree it looks nice but I don't like getting out in it. It says damp and dreary until lunch time! I walk outside and feel the icky mist in the air. Damp and muggy! I need a little sunshine.

Carla from The River said...

Hi, I love your photos in this post Sheri, well done. What fun to celebrate the New Year the way your girls did. LOVE IT!
Love, Carla

windowtothebeauty said...

Unfortunately the weather does not spoil us, but you have to think positively and wait for spring: D Regards:**

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The little ones are having SO much fun in the snow! They just look tickled with it all. Love seeing your daughters dressed up too. And the heart...oh it's so YOU! Perfect! It's nice when you find that perfect accessory to treat yourself. I need to do that in the next day or so. You've given me a good idea! heehehee! And I love the rainy photos you took, especially the church. Enjoy your evening my friend. You mean so much to me too! Hugs!

handmade by amalia said...

A wonderful post, Sheri. I loved the winter scenes and I always enjoy seeing your beautiful family. Hope that you are all keeping warm.

Tanza Erlambang said...

love to see kids play snow...
great photos

Hena Tayeb said...

The fog does make everything look beautiful.
Looks at all those turkeys!! We seen a few roaming around a couple of times but nothing like that.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Foggy days are so mysterious, but I love the stillness and you've captured some lovely scenes, Sheri. Your pink heart is sweet and so are those precious girls xx. How fun to have a 20's party and don't they look so cute! So nice to have turkeys roaming around - wow! Their feathers are so pretty. Hope your weather is warming up and the sunshine is back. Sending hugs xo Karen

Walking the Bean said...

That is a gorgeous piece! And the fog pictures capture the way most of the country feels right now. I like how you presented a contrast of weather spectrum from fog, to rain, to sunshine.


Marilyn Miller said...

Love your gift to yourself. What fun a 1920's party would be. Love, love your pictures. Wow! you had quite some foggy days.

shayndel said...

Beautiful photos!! I like the way you captured the fog!! We saw some wild turkeys when I visited my family in NY last year! Your girls look beautiful in the 20's costumes!! Blessings love and joy to you and your family!!

Pam said...

SNOW....yep, snowed here earlier this week, all day. When I say snow we had our normal type, Mother Nature spit snow all day with nothing staying on the ground. haha. I think it is so cool that those two girls will grow up close together and being not only cousins but friends. I love old weathered looking trees without leaves on them. Some of them have the coolest shape of branches and some look just look WICKED.