Saturday, June 10, 2017

So Embarrassed

Went out to lunch this week with my best friend.  She lived in Colorado for many years, and she just moved back to this area, and I'm glad about that.  We went to my favorite place, Macaroni Grill, and we both ordered a favorite dish, Pasta Milano with sun dried tomatoes.  Italian food sounded good on that rainy day.

We went to high school together, and we cheered alongside each other, and became best friends.  I've known her for 42 years.

me, high school
We were enjoying our meal and catching up, and we got into an intense conversation.

We talked about many things, and before I knew it, we were in deep conversation and almost left there without paying the bill.  Fortunately, the waitress reminded us to pay and she laughed about it telling us it happens all the time.  She always has a story to tell when I go there, and I'm a regular, so she knows me.  I thanked her, but we were quite embarrassed as we were leaving. 


Later that week I heard it was National Best Friend's Day  on the same day that we met for lunch, and didn't even realize it.

I brought her some of my homemade oatmeal cookies to take home with her.

I hope we will always remain friends.  She's like a bunch of flowers on a dreary day.



Susie said...

Sheri, I am so happy for you to have your good friend closer again. You are right, we need our dear friends, they most often know our life story. You both look so cute. I can only imagine the talking. LOL. Just the other day, my daughter Angie and I were on the by-pass going to Kokomo and she had driven miles past her exit. We were laughing about how we were talking so much and listening that we were not paying attention. Almost scary. :) Hope you can have many more luncheons and outings with your friend. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Karen said...

That kind of thing has happened to me, too! So glad you got to visit with your friend. It's fun to talk about the "old days" :)

nuria said...

What a lovely story, it's nice to keep in contact with friends of so many years, I keep in touch with my school friends even if I live in different country, when I go back to Spain we made time to see each other.
I hope you like my new post, I know you like flowers 🌺
Have a great weekend sweetie

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to reconnect with a dear friend. I have had something similar to happen with a bill! lol Enjoy your weekend.

It's me said...

Always Nice to have Nice good friends....lovely sunday ria x ❤️

DUTA said...

Things like that happen. No need to get embarassed especially if you're a regular and they know you. The incident shows that you've greatly enjoyed your friend's company - and that is priceless.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sheri, I have that happen as well. It's just so nice to hear you are still friends and able to have lunch together. The photos of you and your friend
are darling. It's just wonderful to reconnect isn't it? Your oatmeal cookies sure look good. Enjoy a beautiful weekend. ♥

Walking the Bean said...

Long-time friends should be cherished with all our hearts. It doesn't mean you always have to keep in contact every day but the fact that you remained in touch is a blessing in itself.
And your cookies look yum!


Sandi said...

Haha! Glad the embarassment was only that. I cringed at the title and almost didn't read it! I thought something bad had happened.

By the way, love that high school photo. I remember those styles. Foxy! Haha... I tried to be foxy, if I recall. Not sure if I succeeded (though, I am totally foxy now!)

Walking the Bean said...

Thx Sheri! Also, my cat was named Macy Bean {because she was bean-shaped!}...she died of cancer last year...she was 15. I'll post an entry about her soon.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Now that's a FUN lunch! I love this story...sounds like something I would do! Cute pics too! Hugs, Diane

Pam said...

Old friends are the most awesome! I have three that I have been friends with forever. Barb and I have been friends for 45 yrs., Julie and I for 43 yrs and Debbie and I for 36.5 yrs. I love my old best friends and so glad that they are in my life. Barb lives in the subdivision behind me, Julie about an hour away and Debbie 30 mins. So glad you and your friend had that time together and I hope you have many, many more.

Stephanie said...

Oh, too funny, my friend. I am glad you had a wonderful time with your sweet friend :)

Hugs and love to you!

Rose said...

Friendships like this don't come along real sounds as if you cherish it...

Carla from The River said...

I enjoyed this post. Best Friends ... I do love that God has given us such friends.
Love, Carla

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

What a great post Sheri. I have friends that I have had for over 40 years also. Aren't they the best. I know your friend really enjoyed herself.

Enjoy your weekend.



Having a best friend is special indeed. Especially being friends that long. You shouldn't be embarrassed some things are more important.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

There's nothing like a good friend to cheer you up or just make you feel HUMAN.

I laugh when I think of the antics I've gotten myself into with a good friend, whether it's my husband or a girlfriend. What would we do without one another?

Mary Palumbo Collings said...

Sheri, what fun to still be friends after 42 years! Lunch with your friend at your favorite place sounds like a great day. I love the photo of you in high school, you look so cute! :)
Happy Sunday...

Pilar said...

I love reading stories like this Sheri! I think it's so awesome that you've been best friend for ovee 40 years! I met my best friend when I was 16 and we're I'm 31! Love the picture of you in high school. Beautiful picture my friend!

LoveT. said...

Woe, that is great! I love the Pics, you look always wonderful Sheri :)

lovely Greetings

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

A best friend is great to have. My best friend died back in 2010 and another really good friend died last Nov. You can't replace friends, that you have had for years and it's hard to find new friends. Usually, at my age (63) everyone still has their best friend and there is no room for any new ones.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Sheri, I love how you described your friend. "Like a bunch of flowers on a dreary day." I know just what you mean about having a treasured friend like that and aren't we blessed to have them in our lives!
Do you know that Macaroni Grille is one of my favorite spots to eat too! In fact many years ago a group of us dear girlfriends would go their for lunch and take our pre-preschoolers with us! Oh what sweet memories for me.
Your cookies look absolutely wonderful sweet friend.
I love seeing you, your beauty and oh your hair is so long and pretty!

Patricia said...

This is lovely Sheri. Best friends are priceless. A couple of years ago I did the same thing with a close girlfriend - chatted over our meal for a couple of hours, never stopped talking as we walked out of the restaurant! We actually did not remember until much later! Your friend looks lovely, and you look just the same as you did in highschool!

Carola Bartz said...

It's wonderful to have a friend like that with whom you get lost in conversation and forget everything else around you, including paying the bill. Good friendships are such a blssing!

Lowcarb team member said...

It's so lovely to see and keep in touch with friends.
A lovely post with some nice photographs too.

My good wishes for the new week.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

I have a friend like that and they're the best. You don't even have to catch up -- you just pick up where you left off. I love the photos and I'm sure the waitress will have a good laugh on that one!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

That's so funny Sheri, and easy to imagine that happening. When two close friends are together, especially women if I may be sexist for a moment, they tend to get immersed in whatever they're talking about and everything else disappears, including a check! lol


Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

That was so lovely... Comparing your dear friend to beautiful flowers! And you gave her homemade oatmeal cookies! So sweet! I want to be your best friend, too! Those are my favorite!!! LOL!!!!

Blessings and thank you for sharing this treasured visit!
God bless, Net :)

Sherry said...

i love that restaurant..
but i love more that you were there with your long time best friend and so immersed in conversation that you forgot time and necessary task. ♥ blessings to you this day.. :)

Sherry said...

by the way ..
you were beautiful in high school
but even more so now. :)

Tammie Lee said...

Me thinks, that you nearly forgetting to pay is proof of a wonderful visit. I would have been embarrassed too. So glad you have such a good and old friend. I have some too and they are to be treasured.