Sunday, January 31, 2016

Blowing It To You

Is it too early
for Valentine's Day?
Not when you
love the day as much
as I do.
I found these felt roses
and had to buy them.
This rose candle
has the scent of roses too.
I loved these
conversation hearts
when I was a kid,
and I still do!
Can't stop munching
on them. ; )
From me to you.
My sister gave me this
gold bowl, and I
filled it with rose petals.
I have to put my
humble girl out every year.
Mini rose candles on
my kitchen window sill.
Do these look like
me, or what?
A day of love,
and I'm blowing it to you.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Expressions Of Kindness

Lately, the cars in front of me at the Starbucks drive through that I go to have been treating me to my coffee and pastry.  The last one was just recently, and I noticed that the license plate was from Georgia.  Thanks, Georgia!  I'd love to visit you someday.

The other day while driving through, the lady said to me, "you want your usual, café Americano and  a pumpkin loaf?"  I said, "Yes," and thought to myself, how nice of her to remember.

I received a surprise in the mail from my blog friend, Susan, on Tuesday.  It was a note card with a red rose on the cover and a few humorous and special words written from her to me.

An old woman sat in the pew at church right next to me.  She said that another lady had asked for her seat because she had a stroller and needed an end seat.  We talked for a bit and told me she'd say a prayer for me.

These expressions of kindness remind me of graceful people who shine their light in a sometimes troubling world.  They bring us a few smiles and a little laughter to brighten our days.

The planet does not need more
successful people.
The planet desperately needs
more peacemakers,
story tellers,
and lovers of all kinds.
~Dalai Lama
Maybe we can express kindness
towards someone today.

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Hard Decision For Jess

We found Jess' wedding dress this weekend.  It was a fun and long day searching for dresses, veils, and having her engagement dinner that evening.  After trying on many dresses, she decided on two - one of them was stunning with lace and jewels on the front part of the dress.  The veil she found went perfect with it.  The other one was a beautiful vintage looking dress with lace.  This one was like nothing we've ever seen before, very unique.  She found a veil that went just right with this dress also.  Her engagement dinner was that evening and it turned out very nice.  There were so many interesting side dishes, a couple fun games, and her bridesmaids and Nel made it such a special night for her.  So, here is the dress that Jess didn't choose.

Pretty, huh?  But the dress she did choose is even my opinion.  : )
Here's to Jess
finding just the right dress!
* Nel bought these mini champagnes
and chocolate to toast this memorable day!*

Friday, January 22, 2016

A Walk Along The Nursery

 The rain made everything
clean once again.
It's sunny today, and I'm
lovin' the warm sun
shine on me
while I walk along the
The rain makes all
things grow.
When you do things
from your soul,
you feel a river moving
in you, a joy.
We're going to shop
for Jess' wedding
dress this weekend.  ; )

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's Pouring Today

It's raining hard
here today.
We've had a lot of
rain lately in California,
and we sure need
every bit of it.
(all the pics were taken from
inside my car.  That's how
hard the rain was coming down.)
They're still building
homes in my neighborhood.
But not today.
So thankful for shelter.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Our Things

We all have our favorite
things that we
look at each day,
treasures of the heart,
and here are
a few of mine.  : )
My favorite tea cup.
It has a bird
on the other side too.
I've had my china hutch
for many years.
Girl dressed in white
and white glitter
The words say
Living with passion.
My favorite pic of the girls
on a 1920's night out.
Paperweight on my desk.
Jasmine candle,
me and Nel's favorite
Love blue in the home.
He is the happiest,
be he King or peasant,
who finds peace
in his home.
~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Have a nice weekend
in your homes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Blue Stained Glass Ceiling

Over the weekend, we checked out the venue where Jess will be having her wedding reception.  It was really a lovely place, and we sampled different foods the whole time, which made it even more delightful.  Here are a few pics of the venue to share with you.

This was the walkway to the garden area.

Although Jess will get married in the church, the brides have an option to get married at this sweet gazebo that is in the center of the garden area.

This waterfall, with its flowing aqua water, was pretty.

As we walked inside the reception area, I noticed the ceiling and light fixtures right away.  Can you see the faces on each side of the stained glass on the second pic?

We looked at three tables to get ideas for the seating.  Jess liked the candles and the soft roses on this one.

There was a wedding dress on the floor for show, and we thought the lace was exquisite.

We saw the dance floor fun!

As we were leaving, we walked out to the garden area again and some of the trees had white balls dangling from them.  It must look nice all lit up at night.

I think these are Camellia buds?

It was really a beautiful venue, and Jess got ideas for photographers and DJ's and table settings.  I'm glad we took a day trip there to see what it was all about.

Jess will be dreaming
of her special day.
