Sunday, November 29, 2015

Keeping Traditions Alive

Traditions are important to me because they were passed down from my mother, and every year at Christmas I want to keep the traditions alive - the ones from my own mom and the ones that I created for my family when the kids were little.  Here's a few traditions that I hope to keep for years to come.

Sugar cookies are my
favorite cookies
of all, so I bake them
every year.
White Christmas is a must
to watch every season.
Wrapped presents with a
BIG black initial
was something that my mom
did for us kids, and
I carried on this tradition
with my own kids.
I still put pomegranates
in their stockings,
no matter what age they are. : )
We each have our own
holiday cups
on Christmas day
filled with hot chocolate
or eggnog.
These holiday cookies
are so yummy,
and as soon as I see them
in the store isles,
I buy a box to take home.
I put this trinket box
out every year and it's special
to me, as it belonged
to my mom.
She had it in her kitchen
all year long.
We listen to Burl Ives
while decorating
the tree.

There's nothing like
sending cards
and receiving cards in
the mail.  I hope
I never stop this tradition.
I try to explain to my girls
how important
family traditions really are.
They will one day
pass them on to their kids
and think about
their grandmother and mother,
while they tell them
stories of Christmas' past.

Friday, November 27, 2015


We headed to Jess' for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday.  We started at 5:00 in the morning when it was dark out to beat the traffic, and we sure did.  It was a peaceful trip there with not many cars in sight.

We are in the mountains now, and it's so beautiful.

Jess lives 5 minutes from was so good to see the ocean again.

A place of lighthouses

gnarled and twisted trees

birds everywhere

and beautiful homes along the ocean that one usually dreams to own.

Jess greeted us with a fire when we got there.  She has one of the old wood burning stoves that you see from long ago.  Her house is charming, and the main room is open and spacious for guests.

She made some snacks for us before dinner - an idea she got on Pinterest.  Isn't this cute?

I love her balcony with its rustic charm.  She has this pretty patio set out there.

Look at the dress she was wearing.  The fabric looks like turkeys!

And now, the turkey's ready and time to eat.

Jess and her fiancé did a great job hosting their first Thanksgiving together.  She was calm and under control in the kitchen, and the table she set was lovely.  Now, I'm going to have some of the leftovers; maybe the turkey leg they wrapped up for me!


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Day Of Gratitude

These turkeys are
struttin' along to wish you
a Happy Thanksgiving.
We're very thankful
for You.
Enjoy your turkey!
~Sheri, Jess, Nel

Monday, November 23, 2015

Engagement Photo

This is one of Jess'
engagement photos, and
I wanted to share
it with you.
This cake topper
reminded me of Jess
cause the girl's
Jess is in the planning
stages of her
wedding right now,
and I want her to have
lots of fun
in the process.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

I Appreciate You, Old

Some people prefer spending their time in the newer part of town.  Not me.  Oh, I like to visit the malls and theatres sometimes, but the older parts of towns with their history and charm have always pleased and welcomed me more.  Some of my fondest memories happened in the older parts of my town; meeting my brothers and sister for lunch, running into an old friend that was dear to my mom and dad, and the warm smiles when I pass through streets that have been there for 100 years.

Old downtown festivities
Old parks
Old streets
Old sweet shops
Old country roads
Old trees
Old churches with old
rose bushes
Old restaurants that serve
the best Chinese food
Old charming houses
Yes, the new is fun and exciting,
but the old captivates me,
and it has stolen
my heart with its comforting
and gentle manner.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lingering Autumn

A lot of rain is supposed
to come our way,
so I'm enjoying Autumn
as long as I can.
I'm still hangin' on to Autumn.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Light for Paris

Our hearts and prayers go out to Paris. 

There can be light in even the darkest of times

where love is found. 

Paris, nous t'aimons. In these troubled times, may healing light and love guide your people to a place of peace. 

~ Sheri, Jess, & Nel ~