I was at the park the other day, and as I was sitting there drinking my coffee, the sprinklers came on. Through the sprinklers shined a beautiful rainbow. I think rainbows are special, and that when we see them, it is a gift.
The colors of the rainbow,
So pretty in the sky.
Are also on the faces
of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "how do you do?"
They're really saying,
"I love you."
lyrics of
What a Wonderful World
Louis Armstrong
If you ever see a rainbow, be sure to tell me. I'd love to hear your story.

All Google Images
One of life's magic moments. I love rainbows too. take care.
Beautiful rainbow......enjoy your week darling....love Ria...xxx..
Hi Sheri,
Beautiful post and I love all the gorgeous photos and it really is a wonderful world we live in.
I saw a lovely rainbow when I was driving yesterday.
Happy week
And God is good:):) What a pretty post. I just saw a rainbow on my vacation. xo,Susie
Beautiful post Sheri.
Thank you! Rainbows are magical.
Hi Sheri,
It's been a while since I have seen a rainbow. I hope I have my camera handy when and if I do see one! Love rainbows, after all I really need to find that pot of gold soon! LOL!
Have a wonderful rainbow kind of week my friend.
Nothing could bring a smile to my grandkids more than a rainbow. They were mystified and enchanted by them. Rainbows remind me of Kermit the Frog and the song he sings The Rainbow Connection.
From me to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5_y0s-COl8 :)
Although rainbows are explainded as optical phenomena that occur when white light is refracted into its spectrum of colors, the dictionary still defines rainbows as Noah did: a symbol of hope.
I'll remember you when the first Autum rains bring endless rainbows to our skies.
Rainbows are magical.. there just could be a pot of gold at the other end.
Beautiful photos Sheri.. and I love the song of l. Armstrong.
I showed a photo of a rainbow on my post of today.
happy monday
I love rainbows, too. At a certain time in the late afternoon the sun hits against our DR chandelier causing a burst of mini-rainbows for several minutes. The kids watch for it and call it magic and try to scoop up the "fairy" tracks. I love to watch them-- xo Diana
I have witnessed some AMAZING RAINBOWS.....perhaps MY FAV one was IN HAWAII......we were about to drive off...and we spotted it......I think I can dig out the pic and scan it...it is so spectacular!!!I love your CHoice of Music!!!
Hope your Week is a Blessed one and thanks so much for popping in and visiting me!!
I love the words of my dear blogger friends
What a special moment, to capture a rainbow! Wowsers. Loved it. Thanks for sharing. Susan
Such a pretty post. It doesn't rain much in this part of California so when we see a rainbow it's a pretty big deal. Once I saw a double rainbow and both were full :) Thanks for the reminder of how special those moments are.
You just make my days! This is such a beautiful post...I love the colors! How did you get that picture of a rainbow in your hand? You really take some amazing pictures. ((hugs)) I need to go catch up some on your blogs here...I have been buried with life here....pray for me...I need some real down time to be slow and rest. ((hugs)) sweet friend.
So beautiful, rainbows resonate optimism I think, and so do you.
Who doesn't love a beautiful rainbow! A cute post, like the colored dandelions, Laura
you're right - rainbows should put a smile on all our faces.. they're lovely x good reminder ...
Rainbows are just beautiful! I love the song 'What a wonderful world', it has such lovely lyrics..it is one of my favourites.
Wishing you a nice day today..
Magie x
WOW are those fantastic photos!!!!!!! SHERI DEAR...rainbows to me are a special gift; earlier this year, I saw a DOUBLE RAINBOW!!!!
So beautiful my dear, so ENCHANTING! How are you? Anita
I feel the same way Sheri...when I see a rainbow I feel it is a gift. When I see one it just brightens my day. Beautiful pictures.
Hugs and Kisses,
Love those beautiful flowers in all different colors! And the hand holding a rainbow. We get a lot of rainbows around here with all our rain. And the double rainbows make me feel extra special!
Hoping you have a lovely day!
Sheri, I loved reading this post about rainbows. I have really been noticing their beauty and realizing what a miracle they really are. Hey, I'm sorry it took so long to get back, I've been at the beach all weekend and just got back. I hope your week is wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your sweet compliments. Your blog looks lovely too and I will visit often. Yes, rainbows are amazing, one day while dropping my daughter off at school I saw a double rainbow, and that was really special. Have a good evening.
Ciao, Mary
I agree! All these pictures are quite amazing!:)
I love rainbows, sadly I haven't seen one for a long time. It hasn't rained around here since early June : ( That last picture is so lovely! : )
I agree ~ rainbows are very special and I never tire of seeing them. Your photos today are beautiful!
Thank you so much for your recent visits. Your kind comments mean a lot to me.
Hi Sheri, what a lovely post. Did you use photo-shop for your rainbow photos?
I love that song.
In regard to the comment you left:
You are the first person to mention the song, that surprised me a little. I know that it is an old tune but I really thought that more people would have recognized it. Thank you so much for this sweet visit and for the sweet comment. Have a wonderful week, Connie :)
I didn't take the pictures on my rainbow post. We take most of the pictures that you see on our blog, but these are google images that I thought would go perfect with the post. Thank you for visiting.
Hi Sheri, Thank you for the sweet compliments. I am excited that you like my hat stands. It makes me feel that I am on the right track making items for my booth. Do have a lovely day and thank you so much for this warm and lovely visit. Connie :)
Oh that is so pretty in the sunlight. You picture is great.
Dear Sherri
When I see rainbows after rain, I feel hope and joy. Really are magic!
Great photos at this post !
Dear Sheri, thank you for the compliments and whow, you have an amazing blog. Your raibow post is wonderfull.
I'm going to follow you.
Loving the rainbows. Real or not, they are great. I can see that you like color too. I will be checking back with you.
Oh how I love seeing rainbows too!!! They totally remind me that God keeps His promises.
Have a great weekend!!!
You have catch the rainbow ???
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