The quote journal is Jess' favorite because she loves to travel. She quit her job a couple of years ago, toured Europe for three months, and lived her dream. The camera journal is for her love of Photography. The Disney journal makes her smile because Disneyland is such a magical place. She goes as often as she can, and actually went there last night.
The green journal is Nel's New Orlean's book. The cover looked 'swampy'. It is a constant reminder of the fun she had in New Orleans with her sister. The bird journal is her Europe journal when she traveled to England. The journal with the beads attached to it is her Canada journal. The beads are from the Caribana Festival. It is her favorite journal because it was her first International trip.
The red journal my son gave me, and it is my most beloved one. The Renaissance Lady talks about family and random thoughts. The Audrey Hepburn is a fav of mine because I have always loved fashion. The music journal is where I keep my favorite songs - I enjoy all kinds of music, but I especially love the old classics like Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Rosemary Clooney.
So, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go write in my journal now. What will I say? Maybe I'll start out by saying this....
Such beautiful journals. They hold things near & dear to our hearts, don't they ...
Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Love your post! Just yesterday I came across a box of my old journals. Thank you for reigniting a love I have for journaling that has gone dim over the years.
Wow! It must be fun to read or re-live all the journaling from your past. I have 1 journal and my pages are blank :0/ maybe I need to fill it in a little. Awesome journals! Have a wonderful weekend ladies! Hugs, Jennifer
:D LOVE the journals. It would be hard for me to choose my favorite!
Ricki Jill
Great post. I also have a journal and when all is quiet in the evening, I enjoy sitting in my comfy chair with a cup of tea and write in my journal. At times I even enjoy reading what I've written in the past. Journals are the best. Thank you for visiting my blog. Hugs...Lu
These are wonderful. I wish I was more consistant in my writing.
I recognise some of those journals from my shopping trips to USA. I would have cupboards full of journals and notebooks if I got the chance, in fact, I have about 5 in this room of mine, but I have a huge problem, I cannot write in them, cannot mess up the pages, LOL, oh well we all have our problems!
I love the journals especially the one from NOLA (one of my favorite places.) I also ♥ your chose of music!
I love journals and art journaling!! Those are AWESOME journals!!!
Thank you for the lovely quote!!
Love your journals...I so want to do a better job of journaling!
I absolutely love your journals! So many?? I love them all and they all have different meaning and uses. Brilliant!
I have never actually journaled before, other than my blog. I bet it is enlightening to look back at old entries. Have a happy weekend!
sweet post. love the quote in the first picture.
Wow! How many nice journals! I think I want to go and write in my own after seeing this inspiring post : ) I agree with you on black and white photos - they are just lovely..and I'm so happy I'm finally learning how to do it! Hope your weekend is lovely!
Love, Kristin
Your have such a variety of journals and they're all beautiful. Great photos too, especially the black and white one with the calligraphy pens.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hi girls! I'm off to write in my journal. My journal has a house on it because it's the place I travel most to. And instead of different countries, my journal has different rooms in my house. Hey, look, I cooked hot dogs today in the kitchen, I traveled to the bedroom today to take the best nap!, traveled to the living room and watched Masterpiece Theater tonight. :) I am such a homebody. I don't like to travel. I can't poop when I do. When we were in Alaska on our honeymoon, I didn't go to the bathroom for two weeks. True story. Thank God Dan is a homebody,too. Traveling from room to room is good enough to us. Matt, Ashley, Danny, Katie and I are going to see The Help tonight. That seems like a LOT. We tried to go last night, but it seemed like too much. Ashley said she never met anyone who didn't like to leave their house as much as us. Have you read the book. You must! and see the movie. So, adios for now. Love you, Mona
Thank you so much, what an inspiriation! I've started journaling a few years ago and it's been a long while since I made an I'll be off as well to write down some memories! What an amazingly beautiful collection you have, & what fun it must be for you to go back & relive your precious moments. xo Joanna
I am so glad you and Jess stopped by Concetta's Cafe - I love when my friends visit!
The journals are amazing - I think my 2 favorites are the owl and the one with the bird. I journal too! I have so many journal over the years that I adore.
Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Very entertaining blog. I love a good read. I love your header, too.
Oh my such beautiful journals~ I love the idea of journals, my follow thru needs some work tho!
My Grandma Lucette wrote in hers daily!
My other Grandma Bev said only good girls have one ( she did not, lol)
Happy Sunday! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
gi gi
ps, I hadn't seen Breakfst at Tiffany's either until this weekend! I had always wanted to, but never got around to it! My Jeremy found it for me at Walmart in the $5.00 bin~
It was a very cute movie!
Sweet Sherri,
There is no lovelier thing than a personal journal. Immortalizing moments and people, feelings and dreams. What a gift we all have to learn to read and write and then create. THANK YOU FOR YOU SWEET COMMENTS and it is so nice to get a visit on this lovely sunny Sunday!
Dearest Sheri,
Okay, got your comment and here I am; following you, visiting and writing into your viral 'journal'. We seem to have a lot in common. We have kept a journal till 2004; most are leather bound. I've tried to put it on my PC but that's such a tremendous job. Lots of people have asked me, begged me, to write a book. But we also want to have a life! Keeping up with my daily blog is already quite some job. But I LOVE writing and step by step weaving in some of our travel adventures. Our love for gardening, for nature for family, for fashion yes, etc. etc.
Wishing you a happy week and please return the favor by following me too. Compliments to you for also signing off with your URL. That landed me straight onto you blog! Instead of on a profile... Saves time and is just very attentive.
Love to you,
Salut, thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog, I really appreciate it and am happy to visit here.
This collection of journals (diaries as they're called over here) is fab and I'm sure they hold so many thoughts and memories...
Love from London xo
Thanks so much for stopping by! I'll be posting a craft project next Sat 8-20. Loved your post on journals. I love travel journals and scrapbooking, such great ways to document most anything!
Blessings, Sherry
Thank you for visiting me today on my blog and sharing the memories of my sister with me. I love to do a tribute posting to each person in our family on their birthday. As you get older, birthdays bring out the memories of special times with those you love through the years.....and speaking of memories.... I LOVE your posting today with all the journals you featured. You know, when we are gone, the journals, our photos, and videos are the best things we can pass on to those left behind us that we love. I treasure the poems my Mother wrote that I have....if a fire came to our home, it would be the thing I would take and journals. Have a beautiful day. And, write this in your journal, "Through my blog, I am told, I am brightening the lives of others..." because you truly are. Have a beautiful day! xoox Kim
So I am not alone in my love for journals??
How lovely it was to see your comment today...thank you for coming by for a visit. I most certainly will be following, and thank you for the invitation to pop in ...such a wonderful thing you have going here with your girls.
What a blessed day this has been..start to finish...God is good!
Grateful for new friend,
P.s. And isn't that Anita just a gem!!
Ohhh i simply LOVE this post. Its so beautiful. I love journals too. I have been creating some journals ready to write in but havent yet begun writing in them. Your post is inspiring.
have a lovely week
hugs June xxxxx
You crack us up! Actually, out of all the places in the world, my favorite to travel to is home also :-) I just watched "The Help" movie trailer (I haven't read the book), and it looks like a great movie! Let me know if you liked it.
Hi Sheri ,I just popped back to say
Thanks for your comment on Daniella's spotlight yesterday.
If you get chance, please pop by my Dezinaworld blog and check out the backgrounds and a special 24 hour only freebie i am giving away. Have a lovely day
hugs June x
there is something about all those blank pages to be filled with memories, bits of poems, photos, hopes and brilliant ideas that gives me a small thrill whenever i crack open a new journal...yours are delightful glad you stopped by stuff and nonsense to say hello!
alison I think I remember you posting this photo...American Girl in Paris...Here is a link to an article on the girl in the 83, I think. Have a great day! xoxo Kim
Love journals!! What a great post, I definitely recognize a few of them ;)
Hi!These journals are just lovely.I do journaling as well but cant seem to keep up with it.But I think Im inspired again over this post LOL.
Thanks so much for joining my blog and leaving such a lovely comment.Im a follower here now should I say OPA! lol
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