Monday, October 14, 2024

Salem, Massachusetts

Jess turned 40 this year, and she wanted to do something fun and interesting for her special day, so her family and Nel's family and Nel's sister-in-law's family all traveled to Salem, Massachusetts.  They had a great time exploring, and I wanted to share with you some pictures of her journey to Salem, a place where she's always wanted to visit.

How exciting it was for the girls to go into the cockpit since it was Charlotte's first flight.

Brian took this picture of an extraordinary spider web!

One of Jess' favorite activities was going apple picking at a nearby farm.🍎🍏  Here are the girls burying themselves in a corn kernel "beach."

One night, they came across this Speakeasy bar that had a hidden bookshelf door.

This is all of them at a central park in Salem, and one of the film locations of Hocus Pocus.

The most charming houses they saw, and this delightful purple pumpkin sat on the railing of one of the houses.

Francesca and Mia collected leaves in the stroller.

This white house is another Hocus Pocus sight - Allison's House.

They had a fantastic time on their trip - had a wonderful dinner one night, and went on a ghost tour.


Monday, October 7, 2024

Oh, October

 Well, this was a week of appts.  Last week someone came out and cleaned all the gutters, raked all the debris, and hauled the leaves away.  He did a really nice job, and gives 110% of himself when he works, and you don't see that anymore.  He even rinsed my car off after from all the dust in the air.  Then, I was driving on the road, and my car started vibrating.  I thought it might be a flat tire, so I got out to check.  No flat tire, and I managed to drive it over to the auto shop, and right away, M. took care of it.  He's the best, and I appreciate having his shop up here in the mountains.  It needed a new coil, and an hour and $128.00 later, I was on my way.

A batch of gingerbread cookies always comforts and brings joy.

You know, I crave these sometimes.

It's apple picking time, and Jess and family found the perfect apples at the farm.  She said it was a lovely time, and so peaceful.

My brother-in-law from Seattle called, and we had a nice chat.  It's so thoughtful that he checks up on me from time to time.  He just got back from a hunting trip, and saw about 30 bucks and some wolves.  He said he might be up this way in October, and if so, he'll stop by.

I was talking with my neighbor, Lisa, and she told me that there was a mountain lion spotted just about a block away in the neighborhood.  She said she's staying put and isn't going out at night for awhile.

Mountain Lions can grow up to 7 feet long, from their nose to their tail.  They have outstanding vision, even in the dark.  They eat meat, and where there are deer, there likely are mountain lions.  A mountain lion may eat one deer a week.

With all the appts. lately, I felt nature calling me and telling me to visit.  So, come along, but first I have to get a cup of coffee for the road in my favorite Fall cup.

All the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained.

~Isaiah 14:27

Mia got student of the month in her class.

A house with nothing old in it seems ~ unseasoned.

~Maud Hart Lovelace

The tree branches blowing in the wind looked spooky as they made a shadow through my blinds. 😲

I hope you are having good October days.



Monday, September 30, 2024

Photo Album Project

 While others do their deep cleaning in the early months of the year, I always do my cleaning and organizing with the Autumn season.  It gets dusty up here in the mountains, and the back porch area and laundry room seem to get the most dust.  I bought another bin for my photo albums - they were all in one bin and overflowing, so I separated them and organized them in two bins.  It was a big project, cause I have about 25 albums, but they are easier to get to now.  Aahh, my treasured pictures.....I can't lose them on the internet, and no one can take them away.  They are mine to keep.  I cherish these pictures of my young children growing up and the happenings of their life during that time.  I went through some of the albums while I was rearranging them, and here are a few of my favorites.

I had another dentist appt. last week, with full ex-rays.  I'm thankful no cavities, and I have to give my parents some credit, as I've read one time that genes can play a significant role in dental health.  I still have to replace a crown, and then I'm done with dental for a while.

I had a plumber come by last week to fix the dryer hook-up and make sure it was set up properly.  What I thought would be a short visit, turned out to be a six hour day, and it was not fun.  But he's a good plumber, and did a great job making sure all was tightly fastened and secure.  There was a lot of drilling involved.

I saw this tree with brilliant color by the post office in my town.

"Autumn went out walking

And with a brush in hand

She draped the trees in red and gold

And dressed the changing land

She painted leaf and garden

And made the cold winds blow

'Till all the world lay steeped within

Her bright October glow."

~Laura Jawarski

Jess made grandma's delicious enchiladas.

My son went to the city last week, and had a great time.  He brought me some mince pies from World Market.  I think one either loves mince pies or strongly dislikes them, and I've always loved these traditional pies made with dried fruits and spices.

He also picked up a book from Barnes and Noble, Let's Eat Paris!  He made some Parisian crepes, and they were beyond delicious.

 This guy was pecking at my tree.  He's such a pretty fellow, but it looked like his head was blotchy, not the usual bright red; I wondered if he was alright, or maybe he's just in the molting period?

Little miss Charlotte is getting into the Harry Potter nook.

Go, Charlotte, go!

I drove through to get a taco, and when I got my order, this note was in my bag.

And a picture for my Jess for her 40th birthday coming up.  That's a big one.

Happy October!
