I went to Starbuck's and ordered a lemon loaf, one of my favorite goodies there. The lady who took my order was blonde, middle aged, friendly, and nice. Her name was Charlotte. The lemon loaf started to crumble right when she placed it in the bag, so she got me another lemon loaf. I said, "it's crumbling because it's so moist." She had a tattoo on her arm, and I asked her what it meant. She said it was in Thai, ไม่ต้องกังวลเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้, and it means Don't worry about it - no worries. She then placed the other lemon loaf in the bag, and handed me both of the loaves - the good one and the crumbled one. And with a smile on her face and a loud voice, she said, "Don't worry about it - no worries!"
Here's a few pictures of Christmas decorations and
this and that.

Here's a few pictures of Christmas decorations and
this and that.
My mom had this porcelain box in her kitchen all year long. She loved her grandchildren, and all those years looking at that little box in her home, I never realized I would have it someday, and have grandchildren of my own.
Lots of Christmas shopping,
lots of decorating, lots of wrapping.
lots of decorating, lots of wrapping.
It's time to take a break,